Category Archives: lost

One Of Lost’s Mysteries Finally Solved

For me, ABC show Lost often raises questions without ever providing answers. This can get downright frustrating.

For example, what is the smoke monster? What’s the deal with the four-toed statue?

One thing I have always wondered about is the erratic behavior of the John Locke character.

Thanks to freeze framing and zooming on last night’s episode, his erratic behavior is no longer a mystery.

I now happily share this starting revelation with all Lost fans.

I imagine Ben Linus is especially adept at pressing this button.

Lost Season 4 Spoilers

1. Everyone (excepting Sawyer) grows a full beard.

2. More structures are uncovered on the island.
Among them:
a) A Denny’s
b) A used car dealership used by the Others to practice infiltrating the castaways’ ranks.
c) A Wrestledome containing the dessicated corpses of Dick The Bruiser and the Von Erich Brothers.

3. The mysterious Other Mikhail not only survives, but appears dressed as Shirley Temple and speaks in a thick Cajun accent.

4. The show sucks twice as much as it did in Season 3, which sucked twice as much as Season 2, which sucked twice as much as Season 1.