Category Archives: McAwesome

Please Send Positive Thoughts To McAwesome

McAwesome has been doing just fine and dandy since I last reported on her, thank you very much for asking.

Per her various Gmail status messages, she’s had a hangover after a fun night of drinking, she’s been excited about an upcoming movie, she’s even been working on a script (“Can you believe it?!!” her status rhetorically asked).

So, you can imagine my surprise when I witnessed a stark status message today.

Looking on the bright side, at least her status doesn’t say “has incurable, explosive tropical brain fever”.

Now McAwesome Is Just Messing With Me

Alright, I’m breaking a promise I made just a few posts ago. I am going once more into the emotional landscape of McAwesome’s Gmail status message. Well, perhaps I can be considered to have not broken my promise, as this new status message doesn’t carry the melancholy of the two statuses before it.

C’mon, McAwesome — “exstending”? You expect me to believe your misspelling was not done on purpose? You have prompted me to include another status, one with a unique error — a message which will confirm that yes, I am talking about you, McAwesome, not some potential other McAwesomes running around.

You’re trying to smoke me out, aren’t you? Well, it worked. Consider me out and smoked.

I will be seeing McAwesome tomorrow night, and I hope no sadness or anger will be in evidence. We was just having fun is all and didn’t wanna hurt nobody.

On a positive note, I actually have permission to include this person’s status:

The Continuing Saga Of McAwesome

Okay, this is one of my last updates regarding the lovely McAwesome.

For some reason, I feel compelled to report on this person’s mood. I, and everyone on Gmail that this person has sent a message to, sees McAwesome’s status message. I am just riveted by the change in emotional state of this person, which is encapsulated in a simple, small line of text.

It seems McAwesome has had a turn for the worse.

I am feeling like I’m violating this person’s privacy, despite the fact that she is essentially advertising her emotional state to passing acquaintances. She seems like a nice enough person, so this will probably be the last post to document her ongoing emotional state.

I do reserve the right to do one more post if she perks up again, because I would like to have this series end on an upbeat note.

Feel better, McAwesome. Feel better. My status may not say so, but I know how you feel.

Gmail Status Abuse

These days I pretty much use my Gmail account for email more than any of my other accounts laying about.

By default when I log in I am also logged in to Gmail’s Chat feature. As a Gmail user you can choose to set a status (Available, Busy). This status will be displayed to other Gmail users if you are in their Contacts and they are also logged into Chat. It’s also possible to set a custom message that indicates your status to other Gmail users. And therein lies the problem.

I have a person X who sends me emails on a monthly basis with regards to a program I volunteer for. Consequently, she shows up in my address book.

Here is X’s current status message:

I’m announcing here that X is not McAwesome. This isn’t to say that X is not a good person worthy of praise. It’s just that X is not McAwesome — no one is McAwesome.


Thank you for your time.