Category Archives: meme

Cough! Cough! Cough!

If anyone is keeping track of bloggers completely whomped by a stupid virus, you can add me to the list.

I have been tagged by Freida Bee for a six word memoir about myself. I am supposed to be tagging five other people, but I really feel like crap, so I’m just going to do the memoir and stop there. Sorry. Here goes…


Please feel free to do this, but wash your hands after you take it from me.

Yours In Ill Health,


Another February Is No Meme Month Draws To A Close

Thanks to everyone who participated in February Is No Meme Month by not participating in the proliferation of memes.

As you are probably already aware, the restrictive use of memes in the month of February allows nutrients to return to the soil that have been leeched by repeated blog-taggings and linkbacks.

The cessation of memes also significantly decreases light pollution in major metropolitan areas, and promotes regrowth of vegetation weakened by the toxic exhaust of the blogosphere.

As this month draws to a close, let us all remember to continue to blog responsibly!

Thank you,

The Mgmt.

Alright, I Guess I Am Going To Have To Step Up

Hey, it’s still January, idn’t it?

One last meme for January Is Meme Month. You need to answer it today, because this meme will not function during February Is No Meme Month.

It’s all about word fun, because words are fun.

Give me 1 noun, 2 verbs and 3 adjectives you like. You can also provide an optional made-up word.

Here’s mine:

1 Noun: potash
2 Verbs: sputter, fizzle
3: Adjectives: dodgy, crunchy, outlandish
4: Made-up word: glorbenacious

I tag:


If I did not tag you specifically, it is only because time is of the essence. You have been tagged mentally by me.

February approaches! You have less than 24 hours to complete this meme and pass it on.

What are you waiting for?!!


I Got Your Linkback Right Here

This morning, I have been feeling some guilt regarding a meme I participated in.

One of the stipulations of the meme was that I link back to its originator. I didn’t do this. In fact, I was a little obnoxious about not doing it.

Since January Is Meme Month, I feel like I really should comply with this request.

Here it is:

Lazy Eye Theatre

Of course, I could have just edited my original meme post and added the linkback there, but then none of you would be aware of what a nice guy I am.

Happy Birthday, David Patrick Kelly!

This is what one calls a multipurpose post.

First, I would like to wish my adopted actor David Patrick Kelly a very happy birthday.

Happy Birthday!


Second, we continue to honor the fact that January Is Meme Month. I was tagged by Allen L. to do a My Dinner With Andre kinda meme.

Here is the meme:

1. Pick a single person past or present who works in the film industry you would like to have dinner with. And tell us why you chose this person.

2. Set the table for your dinner. What would you eat? Would it be in a home or at a restaurant? And what would you wear? Feel free to elaborate on the details.

3. List five thoughtful questions you would ask this person during dinner.

4. When all is said and done, select six bloggers to pass this Meme along to.

5. Link back to Lazy Eye Theatre, so people know the mastermind behind this Meme.

And my answers:

1. Well, c’mon, who do you think I am going to pick, on this day of all days? David Patrick Kelly, of course.

2. I don’t like setting the table. I don’t like cooking. If his IMDB entry is factually correct, Mr. Kelly is a vegetarian, and from what I can gather he probably lives in NYC. He is welcome to pick the place to eat — it doesn’t matter to me, though perhaps it could be on the inexpensive side as I would most likely have to travel from Chicago for this meal. I’ll wear what I please, unless there is a dress code that would prohibit me from my standard casually sloppy ensemble.

3. Ahhh, I have actually thought about this already! A few months back, I mailed a letter with some interview questions to what I think was DPK’s talent agency, but unfortunately did not receive a response. I didn’t want to overwhelm the man, so I just sent him six questions. Here they be:

  • How did you first get into acting?
  • How did your casting of the role of Luther in The Warriors come about?
  • Does it surprise you how iconic your “come out to play” lines have come to be?
  • Did the producers of the recent Warriors videogame approach you about reprising the role of Luther? If so, why did you decline their offer?
  • I see that you have many credits for the theatre (though unfortunately, not in my neck of the woods). Do you have a preference for theatre or film acting? What gives you the most joy, and why?
  • From what I can tell from information gathered from the Internet, it indicates you are a composer and musician. Do you have any music that is commercially available? Do you play music regularly in NYC or other cities? Were you involved in the CBGB scene in the late-70’s (Blondie, Talking Heads, Television, etc.), either as a performer or a spectator?

If by the remotest chance in hell DPK actually reads this post, I’d still love to hear your answers. If you’d like to email your answers to me at i DOT splotchy AT gmail DOT com it would be truly wonderful.

4. Nope. I am not linking to six people. That’s ridiculous.

5. I would link back to you, but then you pissed me off with the fourth rule. Sorry.


And one more tantalizing tidbit of DPK news:

There is some very exciting news on the DPK front at this humble blog. I have been in touch with Max the Drunken Severed Head, who indicated to me that his interview with DPK was close to being transcribed. He has also told me he will allow me to publish the interview on this very blog!

Thanks, Max!

I Could Not Imagine This 25 Years Ago

Continuing the celebration of January Is Meme Month, a tag from Bubs:

He modified it a bit from how he received it, and actually made it a little easier for me to answer — list five things I did not foresee in the future 25 years ago.

So, that’s 1983. Here are five things.

  • Playing with computers for a living – When I was goofing around with graphics programs on the Apple II in junior high, it never occurred to me that I could make a living at computers. It turns out you can!
  • Star Trek communicators in the hands of everyday people — The coolest thing about the original Star Trek series (aside from the velour shirts) was Kirk whipping out his communicator on a strange planet to tell Scotty to beam him up. And now we have cellphones. Goddamn cellphones.
  • Michael Jackson a freak of nature? – In ’83, I picked up Michael Jackson’s wonderful album Thriller. Sure, on the cover his nose looked a little skinnier than it did on the cover of Off The Wall, but what’s a little plastic surgery to a famous entertainer? To each their own!
  • Jim Henson is dead. Keith Richards is alive. – I am still confused and saddened by this.
  • Twins! – I had not dated anyone yet at this point in my life, though I was hopeful someone would eventually find me non-unappealing. And sure, I thought to myself, I might meet-someone-get-married-have-children, that was definitely within the realm of possibility. But twins, that I had not thought of. Hey, that reminds me, it’s the twins’ fifth birthday today! Happy Birthday, B&E (no, their names are not Breaking and Entering, smartass)!

I Don’t Know If I Mentioned This Before, But January Is Meme Month

Beth tagged me with a seven-facts-you-don’t-know-about-me meme.

I thought I would use this opportunity to clear up some lies (and one truth) I spread here.

1. I started this blog in Feburary of 2007.

Not true.
Though looking at my archives, it appears I have posts that were created in February of 2007, my first actual post was done in March. I used the month of February to build a Choose Your Own Adventure story, which I created in July, 2007. I was creating a lot of content-related posts that I wanted to group together, so I thought it would make sense to group them together in a month where I hadn’t done any posts.

If you enjoy reading all the pages of a choose your own adventure story without bopping back and forth between choices you make, you can always read mine like this.

2. Bun E. Carlos, the drummer for Cheap Trick, is my second cousin, and I see him occasionally at family functions.

Not true.
Sorry, I don’t even know the man.

3. I have a tattoo of Jonny Quest on my left shoulder.

Not true.
I don’t have any tattoos, but a Jonny Quest tattoo on the shoulder wouldn’t be a bad idea.

4. I am afraid of squirrels.

Not true.
I had my hair cut outside by a relative in preparation for my brother’s wedding (she didn’t want to hair up the house). A squirrel was very interested in us, and my hair dropping to the ground. She was very frightened of the squirrel, but it didn’t really bother me.

5. One winter, my brother and I built a snow fort in our front yard that was so large and elaborate it was photographed for the front page of the State Journal Register newspaper.

Not true.
I built a snow fort with my brother one winter, and it was really cool, but it probably wasn’t that big, and it didn’t get photographed for the paper.

6. I verbally insulted Steven Seagal on a hotel elevator after he drunkenly stumbled into me without apologizing.

Not true.
But wouldn’t it be great if it was?

7. I am looking forward to a relaxing meme-free February.


Clinical Decision Support System

I saw this at PJ’s. I figure I’d give it a try, and if it didn’t suck too bad, I’d post it. Hey it didn’t suck that bad!

First, the rules:

Let’s Make a Band:
The first article title on the page is the name of your band.

The last four words of the very last quote is the title of your album.

The third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

You then take the pic and add your band name and the album title to it, then post your pic.

Here are my results:

1. Clinical Decision Support System
2. “It Every Six Months” (“Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months” — Oscar Wilde)
3. The photo

Click pic for larger image

January Is Meme Month

Mathman has tapped me to do a lying meme, which, if my backtracking through the blog swamp proves correct, is a variation on a lying meme I kicked at a few people’s heads here.

The catch here is that one of the lies will actually be a truth.

Okay, so here we go. I’ll make my lies less outlandish than the last time, to better hide the truth.

1. I started this blog in Feburary of 2007.
2. Bun E. Carlos, the drummer for Cheap Trick, is my second cousin, and I see him occasionally at family functions.
3. I have a tattoo of Jonny Quest on my left shoulder.
4. I am afraid of squirrels.
5. One winter, my brother and I built a snow fort in our front yard that was so large and elaborate it was photographed for the front page of the State Journal Register newspaper.
6. I verbally insulted Steven Seagal on a hotel elevator after he drunkenly stumbled into me without apologizing.
7. I am looking forward to a relaxing meme-free February.

The Environment, And Ways To Prevent It From Going Down The Toilet

FranIAm a-tagged me with this, a new year’s resolution of sorts.

Try to think of one way you and your family can lessen your environmental impact in 2008. You could consider doing something relatively easy–like giving up paper plates and napkins (yup, more dishes and laundry, but oh so worth it at trash-time)–or more difficult–like trying to carpool more (which can be a pain, but saves a ton in gas money, not to mention in saved emissions). It doesn’t have to be hard–it could be something as simple as trying one of those new fluorescent bulbs in your desk lamp. How about it?

Being in a family with three younguns, I often feel like we are an unstoppable garbage-producing monster.

We’re slowly replacing the tungsten bulbs in the house with energysaver ones. We recycle plastic, paper and metal already. I take the train to work. We keep the thermostat at reasonable temps in the summer and winter. I am an empty-room electricity hardass; I’m always turning lights off when a room is unoccupied.

I don’t know what the hell I can do. I guess the best thing I could do is to really make an attempt at learning about other ways to conserve energy and resources besides the small steps we have been routinely doing for years — something I have never heard of or tried.

When will I be able to purchase a hybrid minivan dagnabit?