Category Archives: meme

Comedy Is Easy, Lyrics Are Hard

UPDATE: As to not make people go insane looking for the answers to the lyrics that have not been identified, I thought I would add the answers, but encoded by ROT13.

This will do a couple things — first, give you a hint as to what the unidentified song is, and second, give you the ability to decode the song/artist if you really want to know what it is.

There’s a ROT13 decoder at the top right of my blog now.


samuraifrog posted a boatload of lyrics to guess, and I got one.

I was unable to get any on the quiz of becca’s (who answered an impossible number of the questions on le frog’s quiz).

So, I thought I would give this a whirl.

The Rules
Put your iTunes (or whatever) on random. Post lyrics from the first songs that play. Post it on your blog & let everyone guess the song & artist. Looking the lyrics up on any search engine is cheating!

1) Gur Cvkvrf – Avzebq’f Fba
One night upon my motorcycle through the desert sped
And smashed my body so that all my friends thought I was dead
My sister held me close and whispered to my bleeding head
“You are the son of a mother fucker”

2) Ybhqba Jnvajevtug VVV – Crbcyr Va Ybir
Movie stars smooching in an old movie
Kid turns away, and says it’s yucky
The kid knows something that the grownups don’t
When the kid grows up after that, the kid won’t

3) Donovan – There Is A Mountain (johnny yen)
Caterpillar sheds his skin
To find the butterfly within

4) Ebola Uvgpupbpx – Genzf Bs Byq Ybaqba
On a clear night you can see
Where the rails used to be
Oh it seems like ancient myth
They once ran to Hammersmith

5) Pnegre Snzvyl – Lbh Qravrq Lbhe Ybir
That was the day when you went away
You broke my heart in the month of May
That little ring I gave to you
Was to show you dear my love was true

6) Leonard Cohen – Hallelujah (samuraifrog)
Now I’ve heard there was a secret chord
That David played, and it pleased the Lord
But you don’t really care for music, do you?

7) Jnyxre Oebguref – Avgr Syvtugf
There’s no hold
The moving has come through
The danger brushing you
Turns its face into the heat and runs the tunnels
It’s so cold
The dark dug up by dogs
The stitches torn and broke
The raw meat fist you choke
Has hit the bloodlite

8) The Who – Christmas (samuraifrog)
Did you ever see the faces
Of the children, they get so excited.
Waking up on Christmas morning
Hours before the winter sun’s ignited.

9) The Ramones – Rock ‘N Roll High School (samuraifrog)
I just wanna have some kicks
I just wanna get some chicks

10) The Human League – Don’t You Want Me (tim)
I was working as a waitress in a cocktail bar
That much is true

11) Phegvf Znlsvryq – V Cyna Gb Fgnl N Oryvrire
I met a friend of mine the other day
He said he couldn’t stay
Because the world was going to end
At the end of May
Well, May done passed
And everbody still sittin’ here on their ass
With some talk
They’re now waiting for The Judgment Day

12) George Jones – The Race Is On (mob)
I feel tears wellin’ up cold and deep inside
Like my heart’s sprung a big break
And the stab of loneliness, sharp and painful
That I may never shake
You might say that I was taking it hard
When she wrote me off with a call
But don’t you wager that I’ll hide in sorrow
When I may break right down and bawl

13) Fynqr – Bar Jnl Ubgry
They asked me to sleep on the floor
The people were running galore
They asked for the time to make a number of changes and I let them

14) They Might Be Giants – Birdhouse In Your Soul (samuraifrog)
There’s a picture opposite me
Of my primitive ancestry
Which stood on rocky shores and kept the beaches shipwreck free
Though I respect that a lot
I’d be fired if that were my job
After killing Jason off and countless screaming Argonauts

15) Zbzhf – Nqnz Terra
If my name were Howard
I’d dress up in a cumberbund and fez
If my name were Howard
I’d puff all night on funny cigarettes

If my name were Howard
I’d be terrified of getting sucked buck naked down the drain
Into a damp, dark world of flesh-eating spiders
If my name were Howard
I’d have thought of South Park and be rich as Midas

16) Gur Fuvaf – Erq Enoovgf
And I can’t go into this no more,
It puts too many thorns on my mind,
And the necessary balloon lies a corpse on the floor,
We’ve pissed on far too many sprites,
And they’re all standing up for their rights.

17) The Trashmen – Surfin’ Bird (samuraifrog)
Don’t you know about the bird?
Well, everybody knows that the bird is the word

18) Rick James – Superfreak (tim)
She’s a very kinky girl
The kind you don’t take home to mother

19) Qr Yn Fbhy – Rlr Xabj
May I cut this dance to introduce myself as
The chosen one to speak
Let me lay my hand across yours
And aim a kiss upon your cheek
The name’s Plug Two
And from the soul I bring you
The daisy of your choice
May it be filled with the pleasure principle
In circumference to my voice

20) Harry Belafonte – Jamaica Farewell (samuraifrog)
But I’m sad to say I’m on my way
Won’t be back for many a day
My heart is down, my head is turning around
I had to leave a little girl in Kingston town

Five By Five

mob lobbed this meme over the fence, so’s I haveta jump on it before it ess-plodes.

INSTRUCTIONS: Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add your blog to the bottom slot, like so.

1. What Greg Likes
2. A Blog of a Good Time
3. Wine When Drunk From a Mug
4. Dear Bastards…
5. I, Splotchy

Select five people to tag:

1. Tim
2. Tim
3. Tim
4. Bubs
5. Tim

What were you doing 10 years ago?

Aw, man, were that I blogged back then. What the hell was I doing? I think mostly temping, doing the odd film job, riding my bike a lot, dating the woman who I would eventually marry.

What were you doing 1 year ago?

I dunno, just being a parent, mostly. Our littlest guy just had his 1 year birthday. From reviewing some old Gmails, it looks like I was also passive-aggressively avoiding helping a coworker with a website of theirs.

Five snacks you enjoy:

1. Ben & Jerry’s Half Baked Ice Cream
2. Wheat Thins Chips (not really grammatically correct, but tasty)
3. Spoonfuls of Creamy Jif peanut butter alternating with swigs of grape juice
4. 2 Chocolate Caramel Ghirardelli Squares (a habit I have at work in the afternoon)
5. Plain M&M’s and Coke (movie snack)

Five songs that you know all the lyrics to:

1) “Only Life” by The Feelies
2) “Dead” by The Pixies
3) “Exhuming McCarthy” by R.E.M.
4) “Three Girl Rhumba” by Wire
5) “Burn Hollywood Burn” by Public Enemy

Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:

1) Go back to school for a degree in public interest law.
2) Make a low-budget feature film.
3) Put aside moolah for the kids’ education.
4) Eat out all the damned time.
4) Stop worrying about money, fer crissakes.

Five bad habits:

1) Procrastination
2) Avoidance
3) The occasional nose-picking
4) Having good intentions with no follow-through
5) A complete lack of concern for my personal appearance

Five things you like doing:

1) Wrestling with the kids
2) Talking with the kids
3) Makin’ music
4) Makin’ whoopee
5) Watchin’ movies

Five things you would never wear again:

This might be difficult.

1) Wool
2) Mittens
3) A ski mask
4) Speedos
5) Denim jacket

Five favorite toys:

Argh, another hard one. I’m going to expand it a bit, to include technology kinda things that aren’t necessarily objects.

1) iPod
2) Bittorrent
3) DVD Player that has a USB port, and can play AVIs
4) The MAME Arcade emulator
5) Blogger [sniff] [cough]

Top Five Or Six Shows

I’m continuing a mutant variant of a meme I already answered, but was changed by Skyler’s Dad and then propagated by Johnny Yen.

Here’s my favorite live shows I have attended, in no particular order.

1. Os Mutantes – Pitchfork Music Festival – 07/2006 – Chicago, IL
This was the last music show I attended. My folks were gracious enough to drive up to our house and babysit our kids so my wife and I could attend this full day event. I enjoyed this show for a lot of reasons. For one, it was just great to get out, have some beers and relax in the warm summer day. Another nice thing was I was able to hang out with my friend Lance, who used his vacation to leave his current residence of Japan to visit friends and family in the US. And, not to forget, Os Mutantes, a band I only recently discovered — a band that had broken up in the early 1970’s. I read somewhere that Kurt Cobain tried to cajole Os Mutantes into reforming so they could open up for Nirvana in Brazil, but alas, it didn’t happen. They put on a helluva show that night, lots of energy and fun.

2. Television – Cabaret Metro – 05/2001 – Chicago, IL
Here’s another band that was over and done before I discovered their music. I believe Ira Kaplan of Yo La Tengo was the man responsible for getting these guys together to play in Chicago. I saw Ira and the other Yo La Tengo folks up in the balcony of the Metro during the show. It was wonderful seeing Television close up, and hearing the great guitar-playing of Tom Verlaine and Richard Lloyd. Lloyd broke a string during their epic song “Marquee Moon” which eventually aborted the song. I was wondering if he was being passive-aggressive, as he had at least a couple guitars available to use. Either way, a great show.

3. Lambchop/Yo La Tengo – Cabaret Metro – 03/2000 – Chicago, IL
This was dubbed “An Evening With Yo La Tengo”. The Metro, which usually has a large open area in front of the stage, had rows of folding chairs laid out for this show. I actually went to the show more for Lambchop than Yo La Tengo. I had stumbled across Lambchop’s music in a weekly scan of the used bins at my neighborhood record store. There were over ten people on stage for Lambchop (it’s a big, country-western/Curtis Mayfield-inspired concern). They were really fantastic, humble and just having a wonderful time playing their music. Then, Yo La Tengo came out and were also in terrific spirits, with lots of interaction with the crowd, ribbing them about Chicago-related stuff. They were happy to be there, and put on a nice, casual-kinda show. David Kilgour of The Clean was playing as supporting guitarist for Yo La Tengo on their tour. They did The Clean song “Billy Two” and afterwards Ira asked David, “Who wrote that song?” to which David replied, “I did.” Near the end of Yo La Tengo’s set the guys from Lambchop got on stage and supported them on a cover of the Beach Boys’ song “Little Honda”. After the show was done, I saw Lambchop’s drummer hanging out in the lobby of the Metro. I went up and talked to him for 15-20 minutes while the bouncers were pushing everyone outside. A nice guy, a nice group of musicans, a nice night.

4. John Fahey – Unity Temple – Oak Park, IL
The Unity Temple, an impressive building designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, has concerts from time to time that are used to finance the building’s restoration and upkeep. I was lucky enough to see a great performance by guitar hero John Fahey. I can’t really adequately describe the combination of the music with the location in which I was seeing the show. It was just Fahey and his guitar in this amazing space. Jim O’Rourke was also present at a small mixing board, occasionally twiddling knobs. After the concert was over and my wife and I were headed home on the Eisenhower expressway, we were in the process of passing a crappy compact car on the right. I glanced over and saw John Fahey riding in the passenger seat. Jim O’Rourke was driving. For some reason, I screamed “WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” at the top of my lungs at them, and pumped my fist out the window. Fahey gave me a little wave and we sped on into the night.

5. Low/Luna – Rod McKuen’s Birthday – St. Louis, MO
Luna was touring for their second album, Bewitched. At the time, I was attending Southern Illinois University in Carbondale. Some friends of mine and I drove up to St. Louis for the show. The club was much smaller than I was expecting. We got in very early, and grabbed a table right in front of the small stage. I mean, like literally 1-2 feet from the stage. I never was able to see my all-time favorite band, The Feelies, in person, but I sat and watched as their former drummer Stanley Demeski started carting in his drums and set them up. Dean Wareham dragged in his amp, with “GALAXIE 500” still stenciled on it. It was a great show, despite some technical difficulties that Mr. Wareham seemed greatly perturbed by. It was an intimate enough venue that my friends and I went up after the show and talked with the band members. A friend of mine mentioned to Dean that it was Rod McKuen’s birthday (Dean name-checked Mr. McKuen on the opening song on Bewitched). One of the guys with us asked Stanley what it was like being in The Feelies — he replied, “They were difficult people to work with,” and repeated this sentence several times as he was asked to elaborate on that comment.

6. Warrant / Ted Nugent / KISS – Rockford, IL
What the hell, I’ll go for six. I really loved Kiss when I was a kid, and when a coworker of mine said he had an extra ticket a couple years ago, I jumped at the chance to see them live. I rode in a minivan with my coworker (a really nice guy who is very, very funny), his sister, his sister’s metal dude husband, and two other metal dudes. It was really great being on a trip where I was sort of stepping outside of my usual experience. I stayed outside for the Sebastian Bach-less Warrant (I think Mr. Bach was on Broadway at that time, wow-ing audiences with his performance in Phantom of the Opera). I did catch the full performance of the Nuge, which was every bit offensive as I assumed it would be. A sample line — “if you don’t like [whatever stupid thing I’m saying about America], you can get the f*** out!!!” I did dig his final song, “Loaded For Bear”, which ended with him shooting a flaming arrow into his guitar. The stuff he did with the Amboy Dukes is actually pretty good. Then, Kiss! Of course it was a synchronized, rigid performance with no wiggle-room for spontaneity, but it was Kiss! Plus, Paul Stanley rode on a metal ring over my head to sing a song in the middle of the audience. WOooo!

A Dorky And Dangerous Meme

Okay, this has been brewing in my head a bit.

I don’t know that this classifies as a “meme” (I actually have no idea *what* makes a meme a meme, honestly).

I would like you to share your favorite Dungeons and Dragons story. Ideally, the story should involve a character of yours, and will entail you describing events in the game you were playing. If it makes a better story also talking about the “real world” that your D&D game is transpiring in, that’s fine.

You can provide helpful informative details in your story, but try to write under the assumption that your readers have memorized the Player’s Manual, Monster Manual, and Dungeon Master’s Guide. If they don’t know what a vorpal blade is, that’s their problem, not yours.

Assuming you have a story to share, here are some things to consider.

Why You Might Consider Posting Your Story
1. D&D adventures are, after all, ripping adventure yarns. Who doesn’t love a ripping yarn?
2. Chances are there will be no one else with your exact story. This is a unique life experience that can brighten someone’s day.
3. Share your exploits — did you take on a Beholder? Damn!

Why You Might Consider Not Posting Your Story
1. You play(ed) D&D? Ewwwwww.

Okay, here’s mine.

First off, I haven’t put in tons of active duty in D&D campaigns. Most of my D&D experience has been through computer games, particularly the wonderful game Pool of Radiance.

My brother, who is several years my senior, would occasionally get together with some of his buddies and play D&D. At age nine, I’m sure I was a drag to a group of teenagers rolling the 20-sided. Still, one time they let me play with them.

My name was Hydrox the Cookie. I was a Gnome thief. And I was terrible.

I believe the DM of this particular game was of the “asshole” variety. At one point I was talking to members in my party, and I said something along the lines of, “We should kill that guy.” Of course, since I was saying this, the DM interpreted this as my character saying this. And since my character was in a crowded street, some NPC heard me say it. Call the constables!

I think I was the only person that got caught in the ensuing scuffle with the law. I did put up a fight, but I was quickly knocked unconscious, and woke up in jail.

When I woke up in my cell, which was barren, except for a bench hanging off the wall, there was a mean rat staring at me. I didn’t have a weapon and I didn’t have any armor. So, what the hell was I supposed to do? It moved toward me and I kicked at it. It bit me for a couple hit points of damage.

I proceeded to get into a very uncool hissy fit. I tried kicking it again and missed. My brother was starting to get very angry at me. The rat bit me again and I went to zero hitpoints. Bang! I was out of the game. I believe at this point tears might have been welling up in my eyes.

My brother shouted, “Why didn’t you just jump on the bench?!”

I said, “I don’t know!”

And then I had to go to bed.

The next day, my brother informed me that I had not died, but had merely been knocked unconscious by the rat. He said that I later rejoined the party. At this point my character was played by the aforementioned “asshole” DM. Apparently, I was wounded again in an encounter with a displacer beast. But, our party prevailed and we defeated the monster, getting a generous amount of treasure in the process.

My take? A +1 dagger that extended to a +1 short sword when a button on the handle was pressed. A goddamned magic switchblade.

1989 The Number Another Summer!

So, I’m tapping myself on the shoulder for a music meme I have not been tagged for.

I’ll say Bubs tagged me because I’m always bothering him with my own memes. Okay, Bubs, take a chill pill, I’ll do it, I’ll do it.

Using the songs listed by Pop Culture Madness during the year of my 18th birthday (1989), I haveta pick out five and get all misty about them.

I’m limiting myself to the songs listed on the website for 1989. One or two is no problem, but picking five may end up causing me some permanent glandular damage.

1) She Drives Me Crazy – The Fine Young Cannibals
I looove this song. Rolands Gift’s voice is sooo high. The drums on this are so trebly and tinny. The song seems so simple, yet it’s just damned wonderful. I liked the video a lot, too, for what it’s worth. I just searched for the director, whose name is apparently “Philippe de Coufle”. I remember a New Order video he did (“True Faith”) fondly, as well. From the site I found, it indicates he only did these two.

2) My Prerogative – Bobby Brown
Hell, I like this song, too. I love the cheesy synth horns. I love the refrain, “Everybody’s talking all this stuff about me, why don’t they just let me live.” I know he’s seen as kind of a running joke to many, but every time he’s reported as being in trouble, in my mind I hear this song. I love the snotty way he says, “I can do what I wanna do.” I love that he’s using the word “prerogative” in a dance song. I am downloading this now, goddammit.

3) Baby Don’t Forget My Number – Milli Vanilli
I don’t unequivocally like this song, but I find it hard resisting singing along with the lines “I have been looking high, I have been looking low.” I also like it when the “Bah-bah-bah-bah-baby’s” are being thrown down.

Okay, I’m starting to panic now. I barely got out the Milli Vanilli, and I HAVE TWO MORE LEFT TO GO.

4) If You Don’t Know Me By Now – Simply Red
I didn’t really know this song too well when it came out, but I did like that “Holding Back The Years” song. I really enjoyed singing it in my own uniquely bad soulful manner. But, I have really enjoyed this “If You Don’t Know Me” song in another context.

5) Jesus, what, I haveta do a freaking Roxette song? Or a Paula Abdul song? Or Michael Damian with that “Rock On” song? Richard Marx? Mike and the Mechanics? How about I pick the Billy Joel song, “We Didn’t Start The Fire”? I think the song is about how #1 hits have always been terrible, and it didn’t just start in 1989. Thanks, Mr. Joel!

UPDATE: For the record, I thought I was limited to only Billboard #1 Hits. There apparently is another “Most Requested Hits” page at Pop Culture Madness which contained lots of songs I love — “Bust A Move” by Young MC, for example.

Veni, Vidi, Ziti

1. Add a direct link to your post below the name of the person who tagged you. Include the city/state and country you’re in.

Nicole (Sydney, Australia)
velverse (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
LB (San Giovanni in Marignano, Italy)
Selba (Jakarta, Indonesia)
Olivia (London, England)
ML (Utah, USA)
Lotus (Toronto, Canada)
tanabata (Saitama, Japan)
Andi (Dallas [ish], Texas, United States)
Lulu (Chicago, Illinois, United States)
Chris (Boyne City, Michigan, United States)
AB (Cave Creek, Arizona, United States)
Johnny Yen (Chicago, Illinois, USA)
Bubs (Mt Prospect, Illinois, USA)
Splotchy(Brookfield, Illinois, USA)

2. List out your top 5 favorite places to eat at your location.

Okay, okay. I have been living in Brookfield for two years, and I have three children under the age of 5. Consequently, I have not been the restaurant butterfly that I was a few years ago. Still, I have five restaurants that I will submit for anyone’s culinary amusement.

1. Moti Mahal (Belmont Avenue, Chicago)
This was the first place I ever had Indian food, and for me, still the best. I have eaten at a few Indian restaurants downtown, and some on Devon Avenue, but I swear at Moti Mahal they must lace their chicken tikka masala with codeine. I literally take all available naan (a wonderful flatbread) and wipe the serving dish this stuff comes in clean. Ahh, and the bhagan barth, the alu dum, sag paneer, oh my freaking God. And I always have a somosa as an appetizer (a fried pastry filled with spicy potatoes and peas). My wife and I have a ritual — one of us asks “Would you like a somosa?” and the other answers “I suppose-a.” Hey, we are comfortable in our lameness. Since we moved out to the ‘burbs we have not had the opportunity to discover an Indian restaurant to replace Moti Mahal. I’m hoping there’s some fantastic restaurants in Westmont, which has a sizeable Indian population.

2. Mayan Sol – Albany Park, Chicago
We usedta get takeout from this affordable Guatemalan restaurant in Albany Park when our oldest kids were just wee ones. We would usually get the standard steak taco dinner, the highlight for me being the sweet plantains they provided along with the tacos, beans and rice. I recently ate there again with a friend of mine and the food was as good as I remembered.

3. Manny’s – Southwest of the Loop, Chicago
This is a restaurant I’ll occasionally go to for lunch, as it’s just a few blocks from where I work. It’s expensive, but they go crazy with the Jewish deli fixings. I always get a corned beef sandwich on rye with a hockey puck potato latke, but you can get knishes, kishke, tongue, kreplach and matzoh ball soup, etc. And horseradish at your table! Mazel with the Tov!

4. J.B. Alberto’s – Rogers Park, Chicago
I have eaten so much of this place’s pizza that my arteries surely carry at least a few threads of mozzarella. They are only a carry out and delivery place — no eating area. Regrettably we are out of their delivery distance. Try ’em out if you want some tasty pizza.

5. Blueberry Hill – La Grange
Finally a restaurant that it is the vicinity of my new suburban digs, that I have eaten at and can heartily recommend. A really great family restaurant that focuses primarily on breakfast. Good, quick service, tasty food in respectable portions. It’s popular, for a very good reason.

3. Tag 5 other people (preferably from other countries/states) and let them know they’ve been tagged.

I’m too freaking tired to tag anyone else. I want Indian food.

Meme Manners – Don’ts


If you wish to start a meme, you really need to follow the Meme Guide to Manners ™.

Rule #1: Don’t include questions that people might be unwilling to answer.

Sample “Don’t” questions
1. What’s the strangest smell you have ever farted?
2. What’s your most embarrassing public moment — be specific.
3. Most disgusting habit?
4. Have you ever fled the scene of a crime?
5. What, exactly, IS your f*cking problem?

Movie Theater Meme

Okay, one more freaking meme to get out of my system, this one is about movie theaters.

I did a quick blog search for movies and I saw an existing meme about film, and I’m gonna overlap for just a few of the questions. I am deeply sorry for the overlap, but this is a Movie Theater specific set of questions and I gots to ask them.

First movie you saw in a theater?
Last movie you saw in a theater?
Crappiest moviegoing theater experience?
Best moviegoing theater experience?
What’s a movie you *have* to see on the big screen?
Have you even seen the same movie more than once in the same day?
Have you ever snuck into a theater to see a movie?
Ever walked out on a movie?
Movie snack of choice?

First movie you saw in a theater?
I remember going to a drive-in double feature with my family, where Jaws was the second film after some crappy thing I don’t remember. I freaking fell asleep before Jaws started, so I guess I can’t count that. It’s probably best that I fell asleep. I was afraid of my own shadow back then.

Star Wars is the first movie that I definitely saw in the theater and didn’t fall asleep. Other movies I remember from my green years — the crappy Roger Moore Bond movie Moonraker, and The Villain (with Kirk Douglas, Ann-Margret and Arnold Schwarzenegger!). Of course I am saying “crappy” in retrospect. They were the absolute coolest things when I first saw them. A wristwatch that shoots darts? A live-action version of the Coyote/Roadrunner saga? Damn!

Last movie you saw in a theater?
Grindhouse. All six and a half hours of it.

Crappiest moviegoing theater experience?
Well, I have seen 5 year old kids chasing each other during a 9:30pm showing of an R-rated movie, I’d had people smoking cigarettes in front of me, but both these things were expected because I was seeing movies in a cheap theater. I would say that the a-hole looking at his extremely bright cell phone during the entire duration of The History of Violence I paid full price for would count as the crappiest experience in recent memory. He was sitting smack-dab in the center of the aisle, and close enough to the screen that I didn’t want to move in front of him. And the thing was, I was afraid to ask him to stop messing with his phone because the movie was giving me the heebie-jeebies about some possible violent altercation ensuing.

Best moviegoing theater experience?
It’s really great living around a big city sometimes. I really enjoy seeing classic movies I missed when they first came out, and especially movies that prolly would not have been available for me to see even if I was around when they were released. I have seen a lot of great movies at the Gene Siskel Film Center in Chicago — I was especially excited to see a kind of obscure Roman Polanski movie, Cul De Sac.

What’s a movie you *have* to see on the big screen?
When I finally got to see 2001: A Space Odyssey on a big screen, I was really bowled over. If you haven’t seen that one sequence in space with “The Blue Danube” music behind it on the big screen, for God’s sakes try to. The Road Warrior is also incredible on the big screen, too.

Have you even seen the same movie more than once in the same day?
I’m curious how many people have done this. I have done it twice. Once for Raiders of the Lost Ark, and once for GoodFellas. I was just so excited when I saw these movies for the first time that I had to see them again the same day.

Have you ever snuck into a theater to see a movie?
I think I have snuck in after seeing a dollar movie to catch the last 20 minutes of another, but I don’t know if you could technically count that as having snuck in. I’m kind of a wuss.

Ever walked out on a movie?
I did this once, for the movie Apt Pupil by Bryan Singer. It just struck a really negative chord with me. I just found it really offensive.

Movie snack of choice?
Salty – buttered popcorn, preferably in a tub (all food should be available in tubs!). Sweet – plain M&Ms. And Coca-Cola to drink.

So I tag:
Coaster Punchman

I would tag bubs again, but that’s plain rude to tag someone twice in a row, right? Consider this a non-tagging tag.

If you s’wanna tag yourself, please do so. I do so love enjoying other people enjoying the cinema.