Category Archives: new orleans

Thunderbirds Are GO!

As of today, it’s only one month until I start helping build homes for the New Orleans Area Habitat For Humanity.

I’ll be working there from Tuesday, December 18th, through Saturday, December 22nd. A buddy of mine and I will be driving down to New Orleans on the 16th.

I didn’t have a lot of wiggle room for when I was going down, as MizSplotchy is going to grad school now and I can’t really be gone for any stretch of time when she’s in class.

I know Bubs has plans to go down there sometime in the spring. I’d really encourage anyone reading this to consider going down there to help out.

I’ll do my best to report on the state of things, and how they have changed (or not) since I was last down there, in March of 2006. I’m planning on taking lots of pictures — homebuilding, fried pickle-eating, y’know, the “highlights”.

Read a little more about the project at my previous post here.