Category Archives: politics

Cheer Up, Buckaroos

To my knowledge, George W. Bush has not done the following during his current term of office:

1) Started a nuclear war
2) Publicly flagellated a hobo
3) Quoted Martin Mull
4) Declared mustard a vegetable
5) Allowed creeping brush to overtake his ranch
6) Publicly fellated a hobo
7) Attended a Fugazi show
8) Discovered the secret of immortality and unlimited terms of Presidential office

I was going to make a list of 10 items, but the rest of the things I came up with he in fact has done.

Cheer up, cheer up, cheer up, and make the world a better place.

I’m Spartacus!

(not pictured – Spartacus)

From Dr. Zaius via Samurai Frog:

Shakesville is under attack! A denial-of-service attack! In a show of support for Shakesville, Blue Gal is invoking the ancient ritualistic tradition of “I Am Spartacus!” (You have to do it people, it’s in your contract, page 62, paragraph 3.)

This all started as a reaction to an announcement from Shakespeare’s Sister that she was bowing out of the Edwards campaign to protect him from the hateful spew from the right-wing troglodytes. Driftglass started an “I’m Spartacus” dance craze that swept the nation. Still don’t get it? YouTube to the rescue. Long live concertive control!

Ann Who?

So, it appears that Ann Coulter is bubbling up all over the place again. I’m assuming you already know the details. Even if you don’t, the details aren’t really related to the point I’m trying to make.

People get angry — people get very angry at the things she says.

Okay, sure, she says some heinous things. But isn’t that her purpose, to provoke outrage?

What else does she have?

Ann is like the sensationalist news stories we obsessively follow and decry. In the media soup, Ann Coulter is the equivalent of a cop shooting his wife and children.

She keeps popping up in our culture because of a need for people to feel outrage.

Do any conservatives actually think she is any kind of worthwhile advocate for their views and values? If a conservative does like Coulter, is it for any reason other than she makes people (or as Ann would say, “liberals”) angry?

So what do you do? How do you respond?

Probably the first step is to not get angry. That’s really her only power over you and I. In her particular case, I believe ignoring her is the best course of action.

But before you get to the ignoring, check out this post of mine. She sounds pretty funny with a James Brown backbeat.