Category Archives: quiz answers

Atari 2600 MEGA Sound Quiz Answers

I cannot begin to tell you of the deluge of letters I have received urging me to reveal the answers to my recent Atari 2600 MEGA Sound Quiz, as I have not received any letters regarding it.

Still, what the heck, I’ll post the answers now anyway.

Sound 01 – Adventure

Adventure was my absolute favorite game for the Atari 2600. I don’t care that the dragons looked like ducks, or the sword was a left-pointing arrow. It was just a great game. When I got tired of playing the three levels of difficulty, I would then play around and get eaten by a dragon, then wait for the bat to come by and fly me around the world. Good times.

Sound 02 – Superman

This was a fun game, too. There was Lex Luthor with a helicopter backpack, flying pieces of Kryptonite, Lois Lane (who would kiss you to give you back your superpowers if you were hit by a piece of the Kryptonite), pieces of a blown-up bridge you had to assemble, etc. Being the naughty gamer that I was, there was a trick my brother and I would often pull at the end of the game. After you put all the bad guys in jail and restore the bridge, you return to the phone booth and change back to Clark Kent. You then have to walk to the Daily Planet to end the game. If you did it just right and got hit by Kryptonite as Clark Kent, then walked into the Daily Planet just as Ms. Lane was moving to give you a kiss, the game would end with both figures standing in the same place. The back of Lois Lane’s dress would appear to be Clark Kent’s erect penis (heh heh heh heh)

Clark Kent with a boner

Sound 03 – Haunted House

This may sound silly to you, but this game is pretty scary. You hear the wind pick up and you know there’s death in your future. It’s a good, tense game.

Sound 04 – Combat

I don’t know if this was the case for everyone, but when we purchased our Atari 2600 console this game was included. I spent many a frustrated moment getting my ass kicked by my older brother.

Sound 05 – Airlock

I’ll admit that this game did not have the best graphics or sound effects. Still, I had a fun time playing it. You had to escape a sinking submarine before the water drowned you. There just aren’t enough games out there whose gameplay centers around drowning, are there?

Sound 06 – No Escape

Ah, the first appearance on the quiz by a game made by Imagic! Imagic games always had nifty multicolored sprites. In this game, you had to destroy various creatures by shooting tiles in a Roman temple so they would fall and crash on them. There are a variety of songs in this game, and they are all exceptionally groovy.

Sound 07 – Demon Attack

Another great game from Imagic. The creatures you needed to shoot would move all funky and erratic, as if they didn’t want to get hit. Silly creatures!

Sound 08 – Pac-Man

A universally despised port of the celebrated arcade classic. The sounds are particularly annoying. I know the Atari had memory limitations, but how hard would it be to include the beloved “wakka-wakka” sound, anyway?

Sound 09 – Dodge ‘Em

Fun, fun, fun driving game. One car tries to eat up all the dots, while the other car(s) try to crash into the car to stop it. You could play two-player on this game as well – with one person doing the dot-eating and the other person doing the car-crashing.

Sound 10 – Swordquest: Earthworld

The crappiest game I have ever played on the Atari 2600. Terrible.

Sound 11 – Pitfall

Finally, an Activision game makes an appearance on the quiz!

Activision made some great games for the Atari 2600. I also really appreciated their design aesthetic, even at my young age. Their cartridges were always a solid color, with bold white lettering spelling the title of the game. For some reason, it was just cool.

I would sometimes get angry at the Pitfall game, because there was a twenty minute time limit on the game and I could never finish it. I don’t know if the game was completable or not.

Sound 12 – Chopper Command

Another game by Activision, where you pilot a helicopter that shoots airplanes and other helicopters in order to protect a truck convoy. A fun game. The helicopter’s lasers (yes, you pilot a laser-shooting helicopter!) have a really nice sound to them.

Sound 13 – Megamania

Yet another game by Activision, and probably my favorite of theirs. Another Space Invaders descendant, except this time you shoot tires, cookies, bow ties, and hamburgers. I love the sounds of this game.

Sound 14 – Dragonfire

A reasonably entertaining game from Imagic, which consisted of a couple different scenes. It was kinda fun jumping over and ducking dragon fireballs, I guess.

Sound 15 – Yar’s Revenge

Awesome, unique game. Great sound effects, great pulsating music in the background.

Sound 16 – E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial

Programmed by the same person who made Yar’s Revenge. Hated throughout the land, primarily because of annoying holes that E.T. falls into, and falls into again, and falls into again, and…

Sound 17 – Vanguard

A nice port of the arcade game. Am I the only one who knows about this game? Oh, and my apologies to SamuraiFrog, who thought this was Flash Gordon. I said I didn’t think there was a Flash Gordon game for the 2600, but there is (but I have never played it).

Sound 18 – Berzerk

The voice synthesizer from the arcade game is missing here, but it’s still a very faithful version.

Sound 19 – Bowling

Sounds like it might be boring, but it’s a fairly enjoyable game.

Sound 20 – Ms. Pac-Man

I am not really a fan of any of the Pac-Man games (in the arcade or on the Atari) but this version is infinitely better than the Pac-Man port.

Sound 21 – Donkey Kong

Unlike Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man, I actually liked playing Donkey Kong in the arcade. This version was a bitter disappointment.

Sound 22 – Fantastic Voyage

This was one of the best cartridges I played on the 2600. It was produced by 20th Century Fox, who also produced the 1966 film. This game had so many neat features (no Raquel Welch, though) — the heartbeat of the patient to give you an indication of his health, blood cells, antibodies that would attack you when you brushed up against arterial walls, etc. It’s a game that probably a lot of people never got to play, which is a shame.

Sound 23 – Dolphin

Another game from Activision, and one which I had not played until recently. It was programmed by friend of the blog Matty Boy!

Sound 24 – Fast Food

Not the best game in the world. For God’s sake, don’t eat the purple pickles!

Sound 25 – Spider-Man

I remember seeing commercials for this and being really bummed out I never got my hands on the cartridge. After playing it through an emulator, I don’t regret so much its absence from my youth. It’s an okay game, but not great.

Sound 26 – M.A.D.

Sort of a ripoff of Missile Command, but I like it a lot better. I really like the low bass tones this game generates. I can’t recall another 2600 game with sounds as deep as this game.

Sound 27 – Boxing

Another game from Activision, this one a little more sparse than their other cartridges. It’s pretty addictive though, and you get a good feeling every time you land a punch on your opponent’s stupid head.

Sound 28 – Warlords

A wickedly fun game. You could play four players at once, which was pretty amazing to me as a kid.

Sound 29 – Laser Blast

One of my least favorite Activision cartridges. But, the lasers looked cool at least.

Sound 30 – Frogger

A very decent translation of the popular arcade game.

So, if you are feeling the need to actually play any of these games, do what I did:

1) Download Stella, the wonderful Atari 2600 emulator. They currently have installations for Windows, Mac and Linux.
2) Each link I provided in the above answers takes you to an Atari Age page for the game. Look for a “Download ROM” link and save the zip file. Save off all your ROMS into one place, and when you start up Stella, point it to the folder containing your ROMS.
3) Enjoy yourself, you crazy minx, you!

Arcade Answers (Swords ‘N Sorcery)

Answers for the sixth quiz!

You might want to first check out the questions.

Sword 1 – Joust

What more can I say about this game other than “HELL YEAH”?


Sword 2 – Crossbow

Do you remember this game? I remember being really impressed by the graphics and sound effects when it came out. You used a gun to shoot at monsters and such that were menacing some very slow people walking across the screen, whose protection was your responsibility. The gun was actually in the shape of a crossbow. I sucked at it, but appreciated the game’s greatness nonetheless.

Sword 3 – Ghosts ‘n Goblins

One of the freaking hardest games I have ever played. It’s so difficult it’s not even fun to play. IT JUST MAKES ME ANGRY.

I purposely took a screenshot of me getting killed to show how hard this game is. That’s me as the skeleton after getting touched by a stupid zombie.

Sword 4 – Gauntlet

Warrior is ABOUT to DIE! From what I have read, there is no end to this game, which is a shame. Ah, what does it matter. I suck at it.

Sword 5 – Rastan

I wasn’t very good at this game, but I still had fun playing. It might be hard to tell, but that monster dude is throwing juggling pins at me.

Sword 6 – Golden Axe

NOW we’re talking! This game was a lot of fun. You could use magic, you could ride on dragons, you fought skeletons — it was a nice time.

According to Golden Axe’s Wikipedia entry, the screams in the game were sampled from the films First Blood and Conan the Barbarian.

Putting the smackdown on a sword-wielding skeleton

Kicking ass with a dragon – the red one that shoots fireballs is the best.

Teaching the game boss Death Adder that you don’t mess with Splotchy (at least not when he can hit “Continue” until he wins)

After I put this quiz up, it occurred to me that I hadn’t included one of the most popular swords ‘n sorcery game — Dragon’s Lair.

I would have updated the quiz to include it, but I don’t actually have this game. For some reason, I feel it’s necessary that the sound clips and screenshots for these quizzes are actually taken by me as I play the game. So, no Dragon’s Lair on the quiz.

Dragon’s Lair was actually a laserdisc game where the player had somewhat restricted movement within the game. You had to move or press the button at the right time to continue on with the story, which was actually old-fashioned animation done by Don Bluth.

Even though it wasn’t part of the quiz, I’ll include a video of it.

Here’s the “attract mode” from Dragon’s Lair. See if you can spot the subtle objectification of women.

Arcade Answers (Mano a Mano)

Answers for the fifth quiz!

Do yourself a favor and don’t look at the answers before you sample the questions.

Mano a Mano 1 – Popeye

I wasn’t the best at this game, but it was still pretty darned fun. You could eat your spinach and punch the crap out of Bluto, but more satisfying to me was to punch a barrel that would fall on the peabrain’s head.

Mano a Mano 2 – Punch-Out!!

One of my all-time favorite games. It had some awesome voice samples and nice gameplay. The second guy, Piston Hurricane, would often kick my ass. Still, a great game.

Mano a Mano 3 – Double Dragon

One of the few games I can say I mastered. And it was all due to this elbow move.

You could pick up the occasional whip or baseball bat to pummel people with, but the elbow was always the sure bet.

Like many games of its type, the purpose of your hunky protagonist was to rescue a ravishing damsel in distress. The opening to this game was a little disturbing, in that not only did the bad guys steal your girl, they first punched her in the gut.

Not nice, bad guys of Double Dragon! Not nice!

Mano a Mano 4 – Bad Dudes Vs. Dragon Ninja

This game is very similar to Double Dragon. It was probably trying to capitalize on the success of the earlier videogame. I don’t think it came close to matching Double Dragon’s popularity — probably because it was missing the elbow move and the gut punch to an attractive lady. The game at the Spaceport arcade where I played this would occasionally freeze. I would then go tell the attendant about the problem in order to get reimbursed. He would ask what game had the problem, and I, a reasonably grown man, would have to respond, “Bad dudes.”

Mano a Mano 5 – Mortal Kombat

Ah, the first in a long line of fighting games that I have no hope to master. You can do a large variety attacks with combinations of joystick moves and five(!) buttons. I prefer Sub-Zero, ’cause that’s how I roll.

Mano a Mano 6 – Karate Champ – Player Vs Player

Another game I sucked at that I still liked to play on occasion. The controls were unusual — two joysticks and no buttons. You could do different karate moves depending on the directions you pulled the joystick. Some nice sound effects, especially the referee saying “full point” or “half point”. I never could figure out how to avoid getting stomped by the bull in the bonus round. Stupid bull.

Arcade Answers (The Power Of Assisted Flight)

Answers for the fourth quiz!

For heaven’s sakes, don’t look at the answers before you sample the questions.

Ship 1 – Asteroids

Sure, graphics, sounds, etc. are much more realistic nowadays, but you get in this spaceship and find yourself drifting into large rocks, with an alien spaceship scooting by and throwing out bullets, and you’ll find it’s still some pretty damned good gameplay.

Ship 2 – Galaga

I never dug this game. When my brother was in college in the early 80’s at ISU, comedian Gallagher, who was just then starting to pick up steam, and was in town for a show, dropped by an arcade where my brother happened to be at, and joked that they named this game after him. Very funny, Gallagher. Very funny.

Ship 3 – Zaxxon

I suck at this game too much to comment on it. Okay, I will say that I love the weird windy whistling in the background, and love the sounds of the lasers the ship shoots. And I suck at this game really hard.

Ship 4 – Gyruss

Didn’t play this game too much, but when I did the music part of it made it really enjoyable. However, if I had to choose between this game and Tempest, I’d choose Tempest every time.

Ship 5 – Time Pilot

This game I played a handful of times. I enjoyed playing it, but wasn’t so good. I don’t think I ever got to the last stage (UFOs in the year 2001!).

Arcade Quiz Answers (He’s Got A Gun!)

Answers for the third(!) quiz!

For heaven’s sakes, don’t look at the answers before you sample the questions.

Gun 1 – Berzerk

One of the first games to use voice synthesis. Definitely the first game to use voice synthesis to say “Chicken! Fight like a robot!”

Gun 2 – Wizard Of Wor

What, you say this game is visually similar to Gorf? Why, how observant of you. It was created by the same company, after all.

Gun 3 – Elevator Action

I know, I know, it don’t look like much. But this game is awesome with a capital ‘awe’. Take a look at me killing a guy with my ass. Suh-weet!

Gun 4 – Rolling Thunder

A very enjoyable game. Lots of jumping, hopping through stacks of tires, going in and out of doors, and, above all, killing people with your gun.

Gun 5 – Narc

A pretty darned violent game. The bad guys spew blood as you fill them with hot lead. You can also cause a shower of body parts with a shot from your trusty rocket launcher. You can even shoot vicious dogs!

I’m guessing that the background visuals in this game originated from pictures taken in and around the Chicago area, though the game designers played a little fast and loose with the pictures once they were digitized.

Note the background in the picture is the Addison stop of the Red Line. This is the stop right next to Wrigley Field, and, unlike how it is portrayed in the game, is not an underground stop.

Another little thing to note —

see how the Addison sign says “B Station” — the Red Line used to have “A” and “B” trains and “A” and “B” stops, supposedly to improve the speed of the train service. This was discontinued about a decade ago.

Next (and potentially last) quiz… mano-a-mano!

Arcade Quiz Answers (Wheels)

Okay, second quiz answers now. Find the questions here. Two more quizzes left. Can you smell the excitement? You might want to check your oven.

Wheels 1 – Pole Position

This was the first driving game I saw in the arcade that looked pretty cool, with a nice use of perspective. It’s been done a thousand times better since, but this was the thing back in “the day.”

Wheels 2 – Moon Patrol

This is one of my favorite games. It’s a helluva lotta fun, and you really feel the motion and excitement as you’re driving while being attacked by spaceships, molecules and clods of dirt.

Wheels 3 – Paperboy

I still think this is one damn fine looking game. It’s kind of difficult throwing papers and have them hit people’s porches/mailboxes, as perspective is kind of funky. Still, you haveta love a game where the young boy protagonist drops some profanity after hitting a fire hydrant.

Wheels 4 – Stocker

I could be remembering wrong, but I think that my brother was into this game. One neat thing about the game is that when you drive off the road, your car leaves dirt tracks across the grass. A dumb movie fact: in The Color of Money, Tom Cruise’s character Vincent is introduced playing Stocker, so that’s something, I guess. I was going to include Spy Hunter in my quiz instead of this game, but wasn’t able to capture a decent sound sample. Ah, well.

Wheels 5 – Kick

This game is a lot of fun. You control a clown on a unicycle, moving him left and right with a trackball. You catch balloons on his head — sometimes they pop, sometimes they stick to your head and you slowly build up a big hat o’ balloons. One of my favorite games, though it kind of sucks playing through a MAME emulator on the keyboard, as you can’t whip the clown back and forth as fast you would be able to via a trackball.

Next quiz… guys with guns (including my all-time favorite arcade game)!

Arcade Quiz Answers (Awww Cute)

Okay, here are the answers for my first entry in an ongoing miniseries of videogame sound quizzes.


Not yet?


No, really, I have to do this. It’s that or take my meds.

Awww Cute 1 – Donkey Kong

I’m not good at this game, but I really love its sounds and music — the nice little ditty right before you start playing a level, the sounds of Mario’s feet hitting the metal girders, the happy little flourish as you successfully jump a barrel.

Awww Cute 2 – Frogger

Oh, this game… The music, the hoppity hop hopping, all so happy. This game could cure clinical depression, if only those goddammned doctors would just listen to me. However, there is a bit of darkness in the game. The sound of the frog dying when you get hit by a car (or do something similarly stupid) is quite jarring, especially in the midst of all the happiness. You can hear Frogger’s death throes for yourself at the end of the sound file in the quiz. And look at this mean ol’ skull-and-bones that your poor l’il froggy turns into! Oh, mercy.

Awww Cute 3 – Dig Dug

Dig Dug is another personal favorite of mine. The sound effects are secondary to the music for me in this game. One thing I like about the music, and you can hear it in the sound file I uploaded, is that during parts of the game, the music only plays if you are moving. The gaps in the music are me just poised, waiting to kick some Pooka ass.

Awww Cute 4 – Burger Time

I’d be hard-pressed to find a game I didn’t suck at more than Burger Time. It would always make me nervous that this chef never seemed to be in much of a hurry to get anywhere, despite the fact that a gang of anthropomorphic fried eggs and hot dogs was trying to kill him.

Awww Cute 5 – Q-Bert

I almost suck at this game as much as I do at Burger Time. This is the one game in the quiz that doesn’t have some sort of music underpinning the gameplay. It’s just the bounce-bounce-bounce of impending doom.

But hey, look, Q-Bert doesn’t actually die when he runs into a red ball, he just swears like a surly truckdriver!