Category Archives: rock ‘n roll

What Does It Mean? What Can You Do About It?

Tomorrow morning I leave for NJ/NY.

I hope to have a fun trip.

I’ll be lunching with Distributorcap in Manhattan. I’m meeting up with another person for dinner in Hoboken.

I’ll be seeing the Feelies tomorrow night at Maxwell’s.

Other than that, I haven’t thought too much about the what the heck I’m going to be doing there during my two-day trip.

If anyone wants to suggest anything, please feel free. I won’t have a car, and am probably going to spend the majority of my little trip in NYC.

If you don’t have any recommendations, you can still visit and vote on my latest WICH post – coincidentally, it features the Feelies!

A Stereolab Colonic

minijonb remarked that I had put the chorus of Warrant’s “Cherry Pie” in his head, possibly for 48 hours.

Hey, I’m no supporter of cruel and unusual punishment.

Grab some Stereolab and hold on tight!

Stereolab – Wow and Flutter

Stereolab – Ping Pong

Stereolab – John Cage Bubblegum