Category Archives: rock ‘n roll

The Cherry Pie Guy

So, MizSplotchy and I are flipping channels a month or so ago, ’cause there’s nothing on the TV.

We come across a VH1 documentary series on heavy metal, Heavy: The Story Of Metal — the chapter we saw was focusing a lot on the hair metal bands of the 80’s.

We didn’t know what we had lucked into. There was a rant by Warrant’s lead singer Jani Lane about the misery rained down on him from writing the song “Cherry Pie”, which was one of the funniest things I have seen in recent memory.

MizSplotchy was wandering the Internets today and found the Jani Lane clip from the show, so I can now present it to you in all its glory.

Jani Lane – The Cherry Pie Guy

Attention: David Patrick Kelly

So, I bought two tickets to the Feelies’ July 1st show at the Hoboken, NJ bar Maxwell’s.

Both the July 1st and 2nd shows are sold out.

I was picking up the extra ticket for MizSplotchy. I had hoped my folks would have been able to babysit our three chilluns so we could jet up to Jersey for a couple days (they had been very gracious to take care of our kids during our trip to San Diego last fall).

Unfortunately, they have prior plans. Hey, I realize that’s a lot to ask of my folks, particularly with such short notice, but my desire to see the Feelies has blotted out my sensitivity to others’ schedules, emotions and plans.

Anyways, unless something unforeseen happens, chances are I’m going to be headed to Maxwell’s by myself. But, I will have an extra ticket that is already paid for.

David Patrick Kelly, my adopted actor, if you want to see a sold-out live show for the low cost of nothing, I have a ticket for you. I am serious. You don’t have to hang out with me or anything, just take the ticket with my compliments.

Hey, I’m not creepy or anything. I’m just a faceless person on the Internet offering you something. And what could go wrong with that?

Send me an email on the address listed on my profile if you are interested. I am fully licensed, bonded and insured to see concerts in the Tri-State area.



Oh My Yes It’s Happening

When your favorite band last released some music in the early 90’s, it’s fair to say there’s not going to be lots of fresh news of the band pumping through the Internet capillaries on a daily basis.

The Feelies are my favorite band. The Feelies album The Good Earth has been my favorite album for almost twenty freaking years. If you’re curious, one of my Green Monkey Mixes, Speed It Up has two excellent cuts from The Feelies (one from The Good Earth, one from Crazy Rhythms).

I know it’s possible to set up Google Alerts, what have you, to keep yourself up-to-date with breaking news regarding a topic, but I have never felt the need to do such a thing. For whatever reason, today I decided to do a blog search on “Feelies”.

Holy crap. This photo was taken last month. The Feelies are back together. That’s the elusive Bill Million second from the right.

In my search I discovered that The Feelies are playing at Maxwell’s in Hoboken, NJ on July 1st and 2nd (they’re also playing with Sonic Youth in Battery Park on the 4th).

I had promised myself that if the Feelies ever had a full-fledged reunion, I would travel from Chicago to see them. And that’s what I am going to do.

I bought two tickets online today. They went on sale on April 23rd. I checked later in the day and both shows were sold out.

Can you believe my luck? I happen to search for the Feelies, discover a full-fledged reunion, and buy tickets for that reunion before they sell out. Holy crap.

I’ll probably be flying into NYC or Newark on the 1st, and fly out on the 2nd. Hot damn tamale am I excited.

Feelies, take me away!