Category Archives: salt creek

Fog, Yellow Field, Etc.

Since getting my bike back from the shop a few weeks ago, I have made a point to ride the Salt Creek trail on the weekends, on both days if my schedule will allow it.

I was able to go on both September 12th and 13th.

It was quite foggy on both Saturday and Sunday (I rode in the morning), and I took my camera with me.

So… PICTURES FOR YOU. Click any pic for a larger version.

From the second day:

A park near my house.

Just another fucking foggy day (excuse my French!).

Some nice dilapidated woods (if woods can be dilapidated) along the Salt Creek Trail.

A section of trail just north of 31st Street. Don’t pretend you don’t know the section of trail I am talking about.

This place is generally the end of my bike ride — a nice pedestrian bridge that crosses the Salt Creek.

As I was riding I could feel the moisture condensing on me. My arm hairs were covered in little droplets. Here’s a picture of some berries that were drippin’ with delicious fog.

From the first day:

I rode over to the prairie documented here on my first day of biking, and saw that the lovely prairie had become even lovelier with the bloom of hundreds of yellow flowers:

Caught a shot of some ducks flying overhead.

And got another shot of them flying off into the fog.

Baby Deer — Y’Know, For The Kids

Hi. I took another bike ride yesterday on the Salt Creek trail. It was fun and exciting and sexy, as usual.

Like I have said before, I see deer all the time when I’m riding — nothing exceptional. However, I promised my kids I would take some pictures if I saw anything interesting.

Sure enough, I saw a baby deer, on the trail not too far from my house.

Here ya go. Click on any pic for bigger babyishness.

Early Evening Prairie Fantabulousness

I took another early evening bike ride on the Salt Creek trail this past Friday. It had rained in the late afternoon, so the trail was a little wet. Steam rose from different parts of the trail as I rode — neat.

I usually see a few deer on my bike rides on Salt Creek, and this ride was no different.

I saw ducks, too. Are you excited? Please tell me you are excited.

I decided to go the opposite way I usually ride. We’re near the eastern end of the trail, over by Brookfield Zoo, so I normally don’t go that way (I feel kinda silly doubling back at such a short distance).

However, this little stretch of trail is one of my favorite parts, because unlike the foresty parts I normally ride in (which I like), there’s a small-yet-lovely section of prairie.

There is an old disused crane just off the path in this section of the trail. I like the graffiti.

Also, a mysterious pile of logs.

Who is the guy who owns that $5,000 bike? I’m the owner, and that is not a $5,000 bike.

Here’s a pic of the creek.

A puffy cloud I liked.

Some pictures as the sun was setting.

I even recorded a little video!

Bog Birds, Baby!

I don’t usually ride around the Salt Creek bike trail in the evening, but the kids went to bed a little early tonight, T__ got home early, and I figured I could head for a quick ride outside.

It was almost completely dark when I exited the forest preserve after a nice-yet-somewhat-buggy ride.

During my trip, I was very happy to see a bird I had previously tried to photograph, and this time I was quiet enough not to disturb it.

Anyone want to offer an ID? I think it’s some kind of heron.

I rode a little further, and in another little mini-bog saw this bird, probably the same kind.