Category Archives: scanners

A Surprised Woman Working Overtime

I’m a regular reader of Lotsa ‘Splainin’ 2 Do, celebrated blog of the illustrious Matty Boy.

One of his entertaining recurring features is They Wouldn’t Believe Me&trade.

The last several times he’s published this feature he’s used a graphically striking picture of a surprised woman against a yellow background:

For lunch today I grabbed something from my company’s cafeteria to bring back to my desk. As I was waiting to get my food, I glanced around and saw some “health” pamphlets arranged against a wall. One pamphlet immediately drew my attention. I had to pick it up and take it home:

I tell you, some of my most cherished moments in life are seeing things like this. There’s some stock photo of a surprised woman floating around, which a health pamphleteer took and shoved an enormous image of food in front of. This is golden to me, people. GOLDEN.

I’m so happy with this discovery I am making a surprised woman with food composite image in Matty Boy’s honor.

Welcome to the Protoblog

I haven’t scanned anything in a while.

Here’s the first page out of a journal I kept in 6th grade. The journal was actually a class assignment we did for credit.

If I remember correctly, you had to keep up with it on a daily basis, filling up at least a half page per day.

You can see I got a “1” on the first page, which I think was not a good thing — probably due to my not fulfilling the half page requirement.

I’ll be posting more pages from this journal — it’s clear to me that I did not enjoy recording my thoughts then as much as I do now, though I did find some inventive ways of stretching my very small journal entries.

Click on journal to make it bigger

A Democratic Rhyme To A Tengrain Post

There have been a handful of occasions when I see something in a newspaper or magazine that is so awesome (either terribly awesome or wonderfully awesome) that I feel compelled to clip it and stick it on a wall.

Seeing this post by Tengrain jogged my memory of a clipped picture I had cherished from the Bill Clinton years.

I rummaged through an old box of things, found and scanned it.

I’m sorry about the quality — it’s a little wrinkled and yellowed with age. Still, I think the power of the photo shines through.

Click on the pic to make Bill Clinton and the head he is palming even bigger!

Cody and Cary

As of late, Doctor Monkey Von Monkerstein has been scanning things like a bat out of hell (a little known fact: bats out of hell are prolific image-scanners). Having been inspired by the good doctor, as well as recently purchasing a nifty all-in-one printer/fax/scanner, I have tentative plans to assemble a few choice items at Casa De Splotchy for your viewing pleasure.

So, here is the first item in my small to-be-scanned collection — the cover to the 1994 paperback edition of Keith Hale’s Cody, a piece of juvenile fiction dealing with gay issues, which I picked up several years ago at the wonderful Brown Elephant thrift store.

I would normally comb the shelves of the Brown Elephant for cheap sci-fi and mid-80’s Spy Magazines, but when I saw the cover of Cody, I had to pick it up.

This particular cover is apparently only on the 1994 edition. If Cary Elwes did not receive a quarter every time this book was sold, I think he has grounds for a lawsuit.