Category Archives: swearing

Your Own Personal Profanity

Do you have a phrase that has at least something profane in it, that you have adopted as something near and dear to you?

A foul phrase that you carry some affection for?

Here’s mine.

In the mid-90’s, I was puttering about on a text-based virtual world called LambdaMOO with my brother.

One of the sorta cool things about this world was that individual users could construct environments — rooms, outside spaces, etc., and have them link together, which you could then travel about as if they were real physical spaces. Keep in mind that this *was* a text-based world, so really you were just reading someone’s description of a room or place, not seeing any visual representation of it.

My brother and I were wandering around, when we came to a place where its description was not in English.

I then said: “It’s in fucking French.”

This phrase has stuck with me over the years, and makes me smile on the inside when I think it after seeing something written in French.

Anyone care to share their own pet swear words or phrases?

The Closest I Get To A Buddhist Chant

I’m not super-weird.

But I’m weird, relative to Harrison Ford at least, who, let’s face it folks, is not very weird at all.

There are occasions, usually when I’m doing some utterly mindless task, or maybe riding my bike and enjoying the day, where I will lapse into repetitively muttering (or sometimes loudly belting out, even) this “chant” I made up to myself.

Click to hear -> Hey You Motherf*ckers
Just to warn you, there is profanity in them thar wav file!

Here’s the words, if you want a lyric sheet to read from.

Hey you motherf*ckers
Hey you motherf*ckers
Hey you motherf*cking motherf*cking motherf*cking motherf*ckers

You may find chanting this therapeutic, and it’s a helluva lot easier to say than Nam Myōhō Renge Kyō.

F***in’ Profanity

In visiting various people’s sites ‘n blogs, the usage of profanity always sticks out at me.

Not in that I am offended by it, but I’m always interested in how people use it, particularly when they mask the word in some way.

I do this masking thing, too. Why do I do this? Maybe for the protection of the random 2nd grader that is browsing my latest love letter to Captain Beefheart, who’ll stumble upon an especially excited sentence of mine where I expound on the f***ing polyrhythm drum part.

Or, is it that the word itself looks too vulgar sitting right there staring at you?

How much mask is required? How much is too little, too much? If people know what you’re typing, even when you mask it, how is it any different?

I dunno, maybe it’s somehow the equivalent of Jon Stewart swearing on The Daily Show. You know what he’s saying, and he knows you know what he is saying, but somehow the “bleeped” presentation of the profanity is less blatant, and subdued, and maybe undercut a bit. He’s operating within some boundaries — it’s swearing with a wink and a nudge.

So, I present some mask examples, followed by some alternatives to masking.

Standard Meat ‘N Potatoes Masking
f*cking – No one is kidding anyone here.
f***ing – Hey, he could be saying “funning”.


This isn’t very satisfying. Makes you sound like a chickensh*t.


Comes in handy sometimes. Occasionally works used in polite conversation.


I don’t know, something about it doesn’t work. It makes me think of ducks, and still seems like a vulgar word. If you can use this and make it work, I give respect to you.

Complete symbolic nonsense

I think of this as too reminiscent of comic books or Mad Magazine. It’s too confusing. You don’t know for sure what dirty word the person is trying to use.