Category Archives: the kids

Etch A Sketch Goodness

When I was a kid, I loved dialing around and making lines, but that’s as far as it went. I don’t think I ever managed to make any interesting pictures.

My daughter, however, is a different story.

Etch A Dragon

Etch A Robot

Sunset Clouds And A Partial Rainbow

Last Thursday was a strange mix of rain and sunshine.

I was outside playing with the kids in the front yard during the sunset, and it started raining. The clouds were big and colorful. I was hoping a rainbow would materialize (the kids had only seen one real life rainbow), and for about ten minutes we had one.

Yes, I took pictures!



Smell My Butt, Yes You Do

So, I asked my 3 year old boy if I could record his song. He enthusiastically agreed. Please bear in mind that you are missing a visual component of the song — what he calls the “Stinky Dance”, which is basically him pulling his pants down and shaking his butt at you.

Without further ado, please enjoy Smell My Butt, Yes You Do:
