Category Archives: the road warrior

Road Warrior, The Musical – Just Walk Away

Another entry in my new musical — The Road Warrior.

“Just Walk Away”

Sung by: Humungus
Description: Humungus gives the villagers a chance to turn over the oil-producing outpost.

Humungus rules the Wasteland
This barren Valley of Death
You can try to convince me otherwise
But you’d be wasting your breath
Listen to these words
Or lose all that you have left

Just walk away
Just walk away

We’ve come to make a deal
We’re done with playing games
Give us all your gasoline
Or see it up in flames
After we have finished
You’ll never be the same

Just walk away
Just walk away

This is your last chance
Tomorrow we attack
Think on this tonight
When you stare up into the black
You can leave here unharmed
With the clothes on your back

Just walk away
Just walk away

(h/t to Tim for the idea of this song, posted as a comment on the first RW the Musical post)

Road Warrior, The Musical – Max’s Overture

Another entry in my new musical — The Road Warrior.

“Max’s Overture”

Sung by: The Narrator
Description: The opening song, introducing Max to the audience.

The nights are feeling colder
As I am getting older
My memories are fading fast
But I still remember when I last

Saw the Road Warrior

He came from a world better than this
Then fell through the cracks into an abyss
Now no one ever called him Max
Or dared to follow in the tracks

Of the last remaining Interceptor

The engine’s roar was the beat of his heart
Or what was left after it fell apart
A white line nightmare, the shell of a man
But soon he would learn to live again

Let me tell you his story

Road Warrior, The Musical – Snake In The Sand

Another entry in my new musical — The Road Warrior.

“Snake In The Sand”

Sung by: The Gyro Captain
Description: Max is surprised at the site of an apparent accident by The Gyro Captain, who has laid a trap for scavengers of petrol.

I’m the Gyro Captain
I’m a snake in the sand
With my wits and my crossbow
I’m the one in command

Your souped-up Interceptor
Might be very fast
But thinking like a reptile
Is the only way to last

So please, no funny moves
And give me all your gas
If you want to live
Give me all your gas

[Max’s dog jumps out of the Interceptor and attacks The Gyro Captain. The tables are turned, and Max is in control]

Oh please don’t kill me!
I’m an insignificant man
I am dirt under your feet
I’m a snake in the sand

I didn’t ask to be given
The role that I was cast
All my friends and family
Are buried in the past

I just want to live
Is that so much to ask?
All I wanted was just a little gas
All I want is just a little gas

The Road Warrior, The Musical – You Talk To Me

Another entry in my new musical — The Road Warrior.

“You Talk To Me”
Sung by: Max
Description: Max gives the villagers a way out of their hellish existence.

You say Lord Humungus
Treats you like a fungus
You tire of this mortal coil
And the fruit for which you toil

You wanna get out of here
You talk to me

Before your oil
Soaks the soil
And your life
Ends at a biker’s knife

You wanna get out of here
You talk to me

You’re afraid, that’s expected
Our whole world has been infected
By the hate and the lust
And the endless miles of dust

You wanna get out of here
You talk to me

Two days ago
I saw a tanker
It’s a ship
To pull up anchor

You wanna get out of here
You talk to me

The Road Warrior, The Musical – Just A Boy

It’s been a few weeks since I posited my idea for a new musical — The Road Warrior.

You didn’t think I was going to just let it drop off, did you?

Here’s the next song.

“Just A Boy”
Sung by: The Feral Kid
Description: It’s about how nobody really understands him.

I am just a boy
Playing with my toy
But I see the apprehensive faces
When I kill a man from fifty paces

People say that I’m a runt
Ratty hair and monkey grunts
Yet my heart is filled with poetry
Climb the wall and watch the moon with me

I’m alone again
No one wants to be my friend
Only Max seems to understand
But he eats his meals from dog food cans

I am just a boy
I only seem to annoy
I’m just a student looking for a teacher
Maybe someday I’ll grow to be a leader

But for now
I’m sad
Dreaming of the life
I wish I had

I am just a boy
Just a boy

The Road Warrior, The Musical

I had this fantastic idea on the train today. Many non-musical movies have been adapted into musicals in recent years.

It occurred to me that one of my favorite movies could be easily turned into a really fantastic musical.

The Road Warrior!

I like this idea enough that this will be an ongoing project of mine.
As I come up with a song, I’ll post the lyrics.

Completed Songs:

“Presenting The Lord Humungus”
Sung by: Toady
Description: Introduces the Humungus character to the people of the oil-producing village.

He’s the Ayatollah
Of rock-and-rolla
Tastier than fizzy cola
Who, you ask? I thought I tol’ ya.

He’s the Lord Humungus
The greatest one among us

He’s got wisdom
He’s got grace
He’s got a hockey mask
On his face

You should listen to what he’s sayin’
He’s sick of all your tired delayin’
And if you don’t stop disobeyin’
There’ll be more than oil you’re payin’

So put away your pens and crayons…

[the Feral Kid’s boomerang flies in and chops off his fingers]


More songs:

Just A Boy

You Talk To Me

Snake In The Sand

Max’s Overture

Just Walk Away

Check back periodically, as I don’t know when inspiration will strike me to create some more songs.