Category Archives: the simpsons

Favorite Simpsons Quote?

A few months back the Onion’s AV Club had a little article where their staff served up some of their favorite Simpsons quotes.

Since I’m gearing up to see the Simpsons movie at the LaGrange, it got me waxing all nostalgic for my own favorite quotes.

I remember reading the article and noting that my personal favorite was not included.

My favorite quote is from the episode “The Flying Hellfish”. It is uttered in a flashback to Grandpa Simpson and Montgomery Burns’s old army unit in WWII, as they ransack a house full of priceless antiquities.

Burns says, “We’ll be rich! Rich as Nazis!”

So, what’s yer favorite Simpsons quote?


I come from a long line of intentional mispronouncers. A favorite catchphrase of my dad’s is “Hope to sh*t in your mess kit!” spoken in the same context and tone of voice as “Have a nice day.” I still have no idea what the hell it means.

My dad is also big with the spoonerisms, and permanently scarred my older brother by having him learn the phrase “Chi Chi Boo Boo” when waving goodbye to a train. Needless to say, I did not fare much better than my brother.

So, I am now stuck with a habit of intentionally mispronouncing words in casual conversation.

I couldn’t find any word to describe this concept, so I’m making one up. A stiglet — an intentionally mispronounced word.

There’s really only one stiglet that I can use quite a bit, and believe me, I use it quite a bit. Click on the word to hear how it sounds coming out of my piehole.


The rest I use when I can, but they don’t come up that often.

pneumonia (you see where this is going don’t you?)

On very rare occasions, I’ll hear a word mispronounced and adopt it as my own. Here’s a favorite of mine:
