I messed this one up a bit. The lower left branch should have extended longer at the end. I think I should have had the thicker lower branch a little shorter. Ah well.

I messed this one up a bit. The lower left branch should have extended longer at the end. I think I should have had the thicker lower branch a little shorter. Ah well.
Note: While making the line drawing and post, I listened to Astrocoast by Surfer Blood.
The trees don’t just grow in my neighborhood. They are coaxed, scolded, urged, prodded, and pruned.
If it’s the aesthetic appearance of a tree weighed against people getting their electricity, the electricity-getters are gonna win.
I am relatively certain Tree #13 would be more than happy to spread out over the street, but my village has other ideas.
It’s okay, tree. You’re beautiful.
Note: Line drawing and post created while listening to the Le Tigre album This Island.
Note: While working on the above line pic, I was listening to the one poppy record Pere Ubu did, Cloudland.
I got the above pic done so quickly I didn’t even get to their hit of that record.
This is one of my neighbor’s trees, and it was a hard one. Usually I plow ahead making these, but I actually restarted this several times.
Back in 2007 I had an idea to capture the essence of a tree’s branches into a series of straight black lines. Seeing all the leaves back on the trees in the recent weeks made me want to revisit this feature.
Take a gander at all the Trees and Signs posts
Note: The lines picture was created and the post was composed while listening to Starf*cker‘s great album Florida.