017 – Isolation

First, let me start off by saying “SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!”
Holy crap, it’s a Velvet Underground covers record by my favorite band! I had no idea it was coming until they released a few singles. I think I might have seen that they played an all-covers show (this is a live album), but I try not to pay too close attention to live shows they play on the East Coast, because it makes me bummed I’m not nearby to see them.
They had a recent show where their alter-ego band The Willies opened. I seriously talked with my wife about buying a ticket to see them. I didn’t, though. [sad face]
Anyways, where was I? Oh yeah. Squeeeeeee!! This isn’t a review so much as a celebration, and me just talking about songs I love being played by a band that I love. SO LET’S GO!
Track 1 – “Sunday Morning” – from The Velvet Underground & Nico
Ahh, “Sunday Morning”. First song off the first album. I’m assuming Dave is playing the xylophone. One of those uncommon songs where Lou Reed sang in super-tender mode. The guitar solo near the end is great.
Track 2 – “Who Loves the Sun” – from Loaded
Love “Who Loves The Sun” coming right after “Sunday Morning”. Love the backup vocals. This is my favorite VU song sung by Doug Yule.
Track 3 – “There She Goes Again” – from The Velvet Underground & Nico
Kind of weird to hear this, as the R.E.M. cover has been the dominant “There She Goes Again” cover for me for decades. A lot closer to the original, but Glenn doesn’t sing “Better hit her!”. It takes a lot of the (misogynistic) snarl out of the song, and I don’t know how I feel about that. I know I very well might not sing it either – maybe I’d sing “Better hit her – [gesturing broadly to the audience] BUT YOU KNOW, THOSE WERE DIFFERENT TIMES.”
Either way, it’s better than Michael Stipe’s indecipherable treatment of that line. What the heck was he saying, anyways?
Another great guitar solo in this cover. The song has wonderful momentum.
Track 4 – “What Goes On” – from The Velvet Underground
SO different than the more sped-up, march-like version on Only Life. This has more of the irresistible swing of the original. And that two-guitar solo is [chef’s kiss emoji]! I know they have played this song live with Lou on at least one occasion, wondering which version it was closer to.
Track 5 – “Sweet Jane” – from Loaded
I wasn’t watching the tracklist, and didn’t realize what the song was with the intro. After they kicked in, I realized they were doing the intro from Loaded. If there is a groove that is perfectly made for the Feelies, it’s this song.
I noticed they stuck with the original, non deluxe boxed-set version, which doesn’t have the restored “Heavenly wine and roses” part. Admittedly, that bridge fits better with the slower rendition of the song found on 1969, as well as the Cowboy Junkies cover (which I assume is covering the 1969 version).
I think the “Heavenly” bridge does kind of detract from the faster version, though I love when they kick into the “La La La La” part on the VU original. Still, the “La La La” part might not be good enough to warrant the slower bridge [shrugs]. Why am I still talking about this? It’s not in the Feelies version. MOVE ON.
Track 6 – “Head Held High” – from Loaded
“Head Held High” has never been one of favorite Velvets songs, but the Feelies make it into a nice barn-burner.
Track 7 – “I’m Waiting For The Man” – from The Velvet Underground & Nico
This cover of “I’m Waiting For The Man” is more frantic than the original, like the singer is waiting for his speed dealer instead of weed. Wait, Wikipedia says the man was a heroin dealer. What the hell? I was sure it was about a weed dealer – I thought I read that in an interview somewhere. This recording is an interesting contrast to the pounding-piano version on the first Velvets album, and the much looser and languid one found on 1969.
Side note: Why did Lou Reed never record a song called “Wikipedia Says”?
Track 8 – “White Light/White Heat” – from White Light/White Heat
I never really liked the song “White Light/White Heat”! Yes, I’m a monster. I like this version better than the Velvets’ one. Did I mention I’m a monster? Because I am.
Track 9 – “I Heard Her Call My Name” – from White Light/White Heat
I didn’t hear Glenn sing “And then my mind split open” which is my favorite part of the original. Still, the mind-splitting guitar in this cover was lovely.
Track 10 – “New Age” – from Loaded
I’ve always thought “New Age” was kinda corny. Didn’t change my mind with this cover. I think a buddy of mine might have made me embarrassed to like this song many years ago and I never recovered. (see also “Like the Weather” by 10,000 Maniacs)
Track 11 – “That’s the Story of My Life” – from The Velvet Underground
Oh man, I love this song so much. Every band should cover this. Okay, maybe not Coldplay. Coldplay, you stay away from this song.
Track 12 – “All Tomorrow’s Parties” – from The Velvet Underground & Nico
So happy they covered this. So great. Wasn’t surprised they hit it so hard, it’s in the same vein as “Tomorrow Today” off The Good Earth. If I could take a brief detour from this listening party to direct you to another awesome cover of this song by the under-mentioned Athens, GA band The Method Actors, it’s here for the listening.
Track 13 – “Rock and Roll” – from Loaded
Love to hear a fast version of “Rock and Roll”!!!!
Track 14 – “We’re Gonna Have a Real Good Time Together” – from Another View
I’ve seen them do this live before! For whatever reason, in previous posts I’ve written about seeing The Feelies live, I’d use a cover they played that night as the post title. Love the original, love this cover.
Track 15 – “Run, Run, Run” – from The Velvet Underground & Nico
Not one of my favs on the first album, but it’s got so much kinetic energy here, a nice rave-up,
Track 16 – “I Can’t Stand It” – from VU
Probably my favorite opening song to any Velvets record, and it’s not even a real studio release. They could do this for 20 minutes and I wouldn’t get tired of it.
I was trying to work out how the Feelies did the chorus different than the original. It was driving me a little crazy.
The “I can’t stand it any more more” chorus of the Feelies’ cover and the original both last for 6 measures of 4/4. For sanity’s sake, let’s divide the chorus into 3 musical phrases of 8 beats each. “I can’t stand it any more more” is sung in each of the 3 musical phrases.
The chorus of the Feelies cover is sung on the second beat of every 8 beat phrase. It’s pretty straightforward and easy to keep time with.
The rhythm of the chorus sounds way different in the VU original. Lou Reed does something in the original that always knocks me off balance. WAIT. Holy crap. He sings it in the exact same places as the cover – he starts on the second beat of each 8-beat phrase.
I think it’s the guitars that throw me off in the original — they stop doing a steady 4/4-based strumming and just kinda go crazy. Wait, it’s the guitars AND the bass too. The bass has solid hits on beats 5 and 6 of the 8 beat phrase. That’s what always me throws me off. I catch myself trying to count out a time signature like 6/4 because of the juxtaposition of the vocals on beat 2/8 with the bass notes on beats 5/8 and 6/8.
Oh, while writing this post, I realized Lou Reed covered this himself on his first solo album. I knew he had re-recorded VU songs that never made it onto studio releases, but I hadn’t sought them out, and I honestly am not familiar with all his catalog (I know Transformer/The Blue Mask/New York really well, the others less so or not at all).
His solo version of the song starts like they are going to rip into Steppenwolf’s “Born To Be Wild”. He sings the chorus in the same place as the other versions, but there are drum hits on beats 7/8 and 8/8 which make it really easy to follow and not get your ears scrambled.
Wow, that was a digression. Well it’s one of my favorite songs, I like talking about it.
Oh, one more thing! I notice the Feelies say “it’s hard being a man/living in a garbage can”, while on the original and Lou’s cover it’s “garbage pail”. I always loved how they didn’t go for the obvious rhyme, but when the hell did people ever call anything a garbage pail? Okay, there’s at least one I can think of.
Track 17 – “After Hours” – from The Velvet Underground
“After Hours”. Ahhhhh. Lovely. I like this song a lot. Who doesn’t? Happy to have it here, but also happy that it’s not the last song.
Track 18 – “Oh! Sweet Nuthin'” – from Loaded
I always kinda thought this original song wasn’t the best. Unlike “Who Loves The Sun”, I didn’t like Doug Yule’s vocal performance nearly as much here. Kinda maudlin. I liked the cover version a lot better, and loved it as a closer to this completely (by me) unexpected record.
Not to look a gift record in the mouth, but here are a few covers I’d love to have seen:
From the Velvet Undergound & Nico:
Nothing, you got ’em all covered for me!
From White Light/White Heat:
“Here She Comes Now”
From the The Velvet Underground:
“Beginning To See The Light”
“Pale Blue Eyes” (Mostly because Dead Letter Office had a cover of this too, I could take it or leave it otherwise)
“Some Kinda Love” (It’s right there in the album title fer cryin’ out loud!)
From Loaded:
“Cool It Down” (this is my probably favorite song off the album, even more than “Sweet Jane “or “Rock and Roll”!)
From VU:
“Foggy Notion”
From Another View:
Nothing really from here. Luna covered “Ride Into The Sun” on their first EP. I didn’t really see the charm in the original that it needed to be covered, but what do I know. Their cover of Beat Happening’s “Indian Summer” on the same EP is one of my all-time favorites.
From Squeeze:
I do not know this album! HOWEVER: I was in a prog rock band in college (I’m sorry), and there was this guitarist in my band whose absolute favorite band was Yes. He was trying to relate to my slightly different music tastes and was showing me some of his vinyl collection. He said, “Hey, you like the Velvet Underground, right? I have one of their albums right here!” [holds up Squeeze]
To conclude this listening party, I want to leave you with two things.
Things obviously change with time. For some reason, I thought it would be fun to download like 10-15 images of carports and just post them.
I have done that before w/ laundry/funerals/etc.
I tried searching for Carports and just got this super-depressing result.
Bunch of commerce. Maybe searching for candid pics of carports is a bit esoteric. Maybe everyone just wants to buy one, and no one wants to gawk at them.
I don’t know. I’ll be logging my periodic disappointment at the state of internet affairs on this site.
That being said, I am going to also look around for vestiges of amateur hobbyists such as myself expressing themselves, talking about experiences.
Here, this is a person who is excited about meeting one of their heroes, John Prine, in Peoria IL in 1997.
How the hell can a person
Go to work in the morning and
Come home in the evening
And have nothing to say?
It’s not a gif of a Gnu. I mean “new”. Sorry, I have been told that using the word “Gnu” is great for SEO.
I made a GIF from the film The Ninth Gate. It’s a very enjoyable movie. It has a pretty good performance from Johnny Depp, an even better performance by Frank Langella, and a wonderful score by Wojciech Kilar.
For years, I have thought a part of a scene introducing the main character Dean Corso would be a great GIF, but never had the energy to make it. THAT CHANGES TODAY.
Please feel free to use this to taunt your least favorite shitposter and/or grifter. Tell your friends! Tell your friend’s friends!
Love, Splotchy
My apologies for the tardiness of this post. Yes, I realize no one was waiting for me to write this.
I saw a really wonderful film called The Beaver Trilogy Part IV at the Midwest Independent Film Festival. Let me back up.
It was probably 10 years ago or so when I saw the movie The Beaver Trilogy. I have no recollection how I learned about it or the local screening I attended. Maybe it was a Critic’s Choice in the Chicago Reader at the time? It was a free screening, and wasn’t at a movie theater. I saw the movie at Columbia College, in downtown Chicago.
I had no expectations. It is a strange movie. It contains three short movies tied together, hence the “trilogy” of the title. The first part is a documentary about “Groovin’ Gary”. The next two movies are fictionalized retellings of the first, along with scenes that would be considered “behind-the-scenes” of the first part.
It’s on YouTube. Pleeeeeease watch it. It’s wonderful.
Okay, have you watched it? Pretty amazing, huh?
I know there is a “wow” factor for the 2nd and 3rd parts of the movie, in that the respective leads in each movie would go on to become famous for other roles. Sure, that’s cool. But what struck me so much was what I felt when I watched it. I felt so much empathy for Groovin’ Gary. He was goofy, but genuine, ambitious, naive, sincere.
You don’t get the full story of Groovin’ Gary, at least not directly from him. The 2nd and 3rd parts of the trilogy have an event which takes place that may or may not be fiction. Did it happen? One strong impression that I got from this movie was that the filmmaker was a little haunted by his brief encounter with Gary. There was self-criticism and empathy from him in equal measure.
I only watched The Beaver Trilogy one time, but it stayed with me, for years.
Okay, so I used to volunteer a lot at the Midwest Film Festival. It’s on the first Tuesday of every month, showing films having some kind of midwestern connection. I thought I’d volunteer for the April screening. HOWEVER, I learned that something called “The Beaver Trilogy Part IV” would be playing. Whoa! I learned later it had played Sundance the year prior, but this was the first time I was aware of it. I HAD TO SEE IT. Maybe I’d get some of the questions I had answered!
I learned when I got to the theater that the director of the original Trilogy, Trent Harris, had not directed Part IV. I was a little bummed, but hopeful. What unfolded in Part IV was both a heartfelt tribute to the original Beaver Trilogy, to the original Groovin’ Gary (real name Richard Griffiths), and to Trilogy’s filmmaker Trent Harris himself. It was a great, affectionate, warm movie. I loved it. I had my questions answered, and I was so glad I got to see it.
The film’s director, Brad Besser, actually flew in for the screening. I was able to talk to him afterwards. He was gracious and friendly, and it was obvious this was a movie he made with all his heart. Also, I learned from him, it was likely he who was partially responsible for the original Beaver Trilogy movie being screened at Columbia College — he was a student of Columbia at the time, and pushed hard for a screening of the film. He wanted other people to see it.
So thanks, Mr. Besser, for showing me the first Trilogy, and double-triple-quadruple thanks for making Part IV. THANK YOU.
I don’t know if I can throw any traffic Mr. Besser’s way, but please, order the movie and watch it. It’s on VOD, it’s on iTunes. Besser, Trent Harris, and most of all, Groovin’ Gary, deserve it.
Trailer for Part IV: There is a link to buy the movie on YouTube. You can also search for the film on iTunes and purchase it there.
“Was it me?”, she thought.
She usually didn’t take this way to the train. Ray would know how she got to the train, right? She would take the most direct route. There would be no reason to go down Polk Street, unless she wanted a cup of coffee. She took her coffee to work almost every day. Ray knew this. Or did he? He didn’t drink coffee. He liked the way it smelled when she brewed a pot in the morning, but that was the extent of his fascination with it.
The sign could have been printed anywhere, by anyone. Sometimes when Ray would email her, he would say “haveta” and “gotta”. It was some kind of slang affectation. He thought it was cute, she assumed.
What would he even be getting at? They hadn’t fought in a while. He had wanted to go fishing last weekend with his friends, but when she reminded him of the trip to see her mom, he seemed fine. Well, he seemed a little huffy. Was that it? He *knew* about the trip to her mom’s weeks in advance. So she’s being unreasonable? It’s *her* problem?
And why couldn’t he just talk to her? What is hard about that? Now she has to read a note on Polk Street? Is that something a mature person does?
“When I get home,” she thought, “I’m going to give him a piece of my mind.”
In 1999, I was a happy, new presence on the web, editing HTML files and uploading them to splotchy.com. I talked about records I bought, milkshakes I drank, motel signage I fancied. It was the 90’s!
Then, after a long hiatus from having a presence on the Internet, I came back. I started blogging in 2007. I made blogger friends. Some bloggers I met in person, some I only knew online.
I blogged pretty seriously (is seriously the right word?) for several years. Gradually, many bloggers stopped blogging. Some went to Facebook. I know at least one died, though she wasn’t someone I knew well. Friends of mine were friends with her. Her old Twitter account still gets recommended to me from time to time, and it’s a mixed feeling of poignancy and uneasiness I get every time it happens.
One of my blogger friends deleted his blog back in 2009. He said it was because of the new job he was getting. I still have his blog in Google Reader. Google Reader will cache posts for a time. I’m not sure how long it does, but his blog still sits there, even if it no longer exists in the blogosphere.
I noticed that there were 50+ posts in my RSS feed for his blog today. Someone has apparently taken his blog address and is using it for spam.
Crap is what people will see if they visit his quirkily-named URL. They won’t have any record of what was there. But I still remember.
if being right is right, i don’t wanna be right
if being right is wrong, i don’t wanna be right
if being right is right, i don’t wanna be wrong
if being right is wrong, i don’t wanna be wrong
if being wrong is right, i don’t wanna be right
if being wrong is wrong, i don’t wanna be right
if being wrong is right, i don’t wanna be wrong
if being wrong is wrong, i don’t wanna be wrong