Category Archives: Uncategorized

A Hypothetical Person Of Distinction

What the hell are you doing here?

Michael Bolton: I’m here for my quote.

Your quote?

Michael Bolton: Yeah, my hypothetical quote.

Mr. Bolton, I’m afraid, though I bear you no ill will, I don’t consider you a person of distinction.

Michael Bolton: I’ve got stacks of awards, top-charting singles-

Yes, I know.

Michael Bolton: I’m nailing a Desperate Housewife.

Yes, well, Mr. Bolton, you see, the people in my hypothetical quotes series are dead.

Michael Bolton: David Foster Wallace isn’t.

He’s dead, he just doesn’t know it yet.

Michael Bolton: C’mon, man, I got loads of quotes. Here, listen to this: “You know you’re a twistin’ little girl, you know you twist so fine, c’mon and twist a little closer now, and let me know that you’re mine.”

Didn’t the Isley Brothers say that?

Michael Bolton: Huh?

Didn’t the Isley Brothers say that?

Michael Bolton: What?

Never mind.

Michael Bolton: So can I get my quote or what?

No. I am sorry. Truly I am.

Michael Bolton: You’ll be hearing from my lawyers.

Okay. Thanks for stopping by, I guess.

Accio What?

Okay, I finished the new Harry Potter book. It was good.

One thing I noticed in this book more than any other book in the series was the frequent use of the magic word Accio.

If you were to visit Becca’s first installment of her glossary of “Wizarding Words”, you would see the definition of Accio as follows:

Accio – Used to summon objects from a distance. Accio is Latin for “I receive.”

I’m curious, if you were able to summon one (and only one — let’s face it, we’re all Muggles here) kind of object through simply speaking Accio plus the object, what would you like to be able to summon?

I’m tempted to say, “Accio toilet paper!” but there have been only a couple occasions when I have realized too late I had none. So, what would you say?

Sweet, Sweet Empty Space

Psssssst! You! Yeah, you! The clever one!

Oh, you aren’t fooled by my seemingly empty post, are you?

You are one of the following:

1. After visiting my blog and noticing a conspicuously empty post, you decided to drag your mouse across the screen while holding down your mouse button, thus revealing this hidden text. Wow, that was pretty clever of you. I have doubts if I would have done what you just did. You rock.

2. You look at my blog via some sort of RSS feed reader (Google Reader, Bloglines, etc.). You are one of those genius blog reader type of people. You need your blog facts *now*, from all your blog sources, and you want it all in one place! So, my pitiful attempt to mask my text on my own blog fails miserably when faced with your powerful blog reader. Kudos to you!

So, whether you fit into #1 or #2, here’s what I would like you to do.

Please answer the following question in a comment on this post. Make no reference to the fact that you are answering a question put forth by the post, nor the fact that there is hidden text here. Just answer the question, and rest assured in the knowledge that you are oh so goddamn clever.

Now, the question (appropriately a space question, heh heh heh):
If you were offered a free ride on the next shuttle into space, would you go? Explain why or why not.


I was reading some miscellaneous articles and posts about the Iraq War, then shortly after glanced at my gasoline post. Wow, I thought, what dick wrote that?

It just struck me as kind of obnoxious.

I post about lots of pointless things, and don’t have any problem doing so, and I know that many bloggers who write very savvy political commentary have no problem also posting risque pictures of Scarlett Johansson — which is perfectly fine, mind you, when occasionally supplemented with pictures of Carla Gugino, Thora Birch or Adrienne Barbeau (long live brunettes!).

But, posting a little “consumer annoyance” trifle about gasoline when the Iraq War drags on and on, it just seemed a little beyond the pale to me.

So, I’m sorry.

It’s A Post Office, It’s A Bank, It’s A Police Station, It’s Batman

This apparently happened yesterday, but I just realized today that the folks of Rory’s First Kiss, (aka The Dark Knight) have once again set up shop in the old Chicago Post Office by where I work.

Not only has the “Gotham National Bank” lettering gone up to replace the chiseled “United States Post Office” on the front of the building, there is also a sign on the opposite side of the building reading “Gotham Police”. Apparently they are using the post office’s exterior for more than one set.

The windows to the large lobby of the US Post Office has been blacked out by large “flags” (essentially large swaths of black fabric on a frame). This was the same lobby that contained a yellow school bus during the previous filming that occurred there.

Here’s some linkage from Superherohype:

Crew coming back to the Post Office

On set pics, including the back of the Post Office, with the Gotham Police sign