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A CEO, a Tea Party member, and a union member are sitting at a table. There is a plate with a dozen cookies in the center of the table.

The CEO grabs 11 of them and says to the Tea Party member, “The union guy is trying to steal your cookie.”

The union guy and the Tea Party member look at each other, nod knowingly, then grab the CEO by the neck, decapitate him, kick his head around the room until his face is no longer recognizable, stomp on his body, reattach the now hideously deformed melon-head to his bruised, broken body with staples and duct tape, build a rocket, stuff the CEO’s carcass in the rocket, launch the rocket into outer space, build another rocket armed with a bomb filled with feces and vomit, launch that rocket to intercept the first rocket, remotely detonate the feces/vomit bomb to explode the CEO carcass rocket, sending its horrifically desecrated contents straight for the sun to be burned up into nothingness.

The Elevator Lobby Font Face Mystery

This past October, I started working in one of those skyscraper buildings in downtown Chicago. As you might guess, there are ELEVATORS in this building. Elevators which I actually RIDE on.

Elevator Lobby

See the bands of blue above each elevator? That’s where it indicates what floor the elevator serves.

If you closely scrutinize the top picture, you may notice the band above the furthest elevator to the left is white, not blue.

Let’s take a closer look.


What the?!! What happened? What is happening? What’s going to happen?

Calm down. I’ll explain. A month or so some work was done on that elevator. I have no idea what kind of work was done. What do I look like? Some working-on-an-elevator-expert kind of person?

The important thing is that after they were done with the elevator, it did not look like the others.

My guess is that this is what all the elevators looked like at some time. For the recent repairs, the workers probably had to remove the sleek blue, ultra-modern “4-16”, revealing the previous incarnation of the sign.

The font face looks to be Art Deco. This is not really important to the story, but how pretty is this image search result for “art deco font” from Google?

So, Art Deco was a style originating in the 1920’s. There’s no way this backlit sign is from the 1920’s, right? Hmm. According to its Wikipedia page, Art Deco had a revival in graphic design in the 1980’s. AH HA. That sounds about right.

But wait! My building has a Wikipedia page, too! According to the page, it was built in 1990. Could this backlit Art Deco elevator lobby sign be from the building’s original construction? Sure, why the hell not?

Should I be embarrassed by a building that used an Art Deco font face when everyone else was probably leaving it behind, along with their parachute pants, Duran Duran haircuts and Bret Easton Ellis novels?

I honestly don’t know, but I will be embarrassed if you want me to be.