Category Archives: what passes for humor in my mind

The Lighter Side Of Erectile Dysfunction

As you may or may not recall, the bathroom readin’ basket at the Splotchy house typically contains stale celebrity magazines.

Along with these magazines are a few Mad Magazines from the early 70’s that I picked up at a thrift store a few years back.

I’ve been perusing the Mad Magazines more than the celeb rags lately, and am constantly confronted by the wit of Dave Berg, who had a long-running feature called “The Lighter Side Of…” In each issue Berg would explore a particular topic, to which he would devote several pages of three- and four-panel strips.

So, here’s my tribute to Dave Berg. Only the last word balloon has been changed on his original strips. Click on a strip to view a larger image.

And now, I humbly present:


Inspired by Johnny Yen, who made a little room in his blog for the wit and wisdom of his son Adam, I too shall on occasion post in awe of the wit and wisdom of my own kids.

Not too long ago I introduced the kids to the wonders of the knock-knock joke, including the justifiably-praised “banana” gag.

So, my four year old daughter comes up to me the other day.


“Knock, knock,” she says.

“Who’s there?” I reply.


“Toot who?”

She turns around so I’m looking at her back, squats slightly, and produces a large wet, mouth fart.


She will probably outgrow this kind of humor at some point, but I have a sinking feeling that I will not.

Hey, if you have a good knock-knock joke, I’d love to hear it. I’m always looking for new material.

How Not To Start A Research Paper

19841, in this case not an album2 by the rock group Van Halen3, nor an album4 by keyboardist Rick Wakeman5, is a dystopian novel6 (an example of which can be found in George Orwell’s 19841) by George Orwell7, an English author most noted for penning the dystopian novel6, 19841, in this case not an album2 by the rock group Van Halen3, nor an album4 by keyboardist Rick Wakeman5

1, “Nineteen Eighty-Four”
2Ibid. “1984 (Van Halen album)”
3Ibid. “Van Halen”
4Ibid. “1984 (Rick Wakeman album)”
5Ibid. “Rick Wakeman”
6Ibid. “dystopian novel”
7Ibid. “George Orwell”