Category Archives: word fun

Ten Things I Would Like To Hear Anton Chigurh Pronounce

01. That’s stinkin’ thinkin’.
02. How much for the pony ride?
03. I have a booboo on my weewee.
04. I have just learned I am lactose-intolerant.
05. I am looking for the nearest discothèque.
06. What the fudge is going on here?
07. I am going to see Star Wars for the fifty-seventh time, and I would like you to accompany me.
08. Would you like me to play a song for you on my imaginary banjo?
09. I’m a helpless romantic.
10. Yahtzee!

Ten Things I Would Like To Hear Sean Connery Pronounce

Misheard Lyrics, Vol 6

This isn’t so much a misheard lyric as a misremembered one. I sang this for a long time before a friend helpfully pointed out I had the lyrics wrong.

The Ramones – I Wanna Be Sedated

Actual Lyrics
Hurry, hurry, hurry
Before I go insane

What I Sing
Hurry, hurry, hurry
Hurry all the time

Palindrome Rollcall!

Hey, it’s my 1,001st post!

Please don’t worry — I’m not going to announce the number of each new post from now on.

Still, it’s a numerical palindrome, and a perfect jumping off point for a palindrome rollcall.

Oh, I almost forgot.


Who’s Ready For Some More ROT13ed Swear Words? I Sure As Fuvggvat Am!

We started this fun here. Let’s continue the joy and love!

I’ll repeat the verbiage from my original post, for those who have forgotten the spiel.

A list of ROT13-encoded swear words.

Pop them in the Input box of the ROT13 Decoder to the right and hit the “En/Decode input” button. I personally prefer decoding the words one at a time, as that adds to the excitement and sexual tension.

I suppose you could try guessing them first, if that’s your inclination, but this post is more about the swearing than the quizzing.

1. shpxjvg
2. ternfl-nffrq tbbq-sbe-abguvat zbaxrl gvgf
3. Bu, pbpx!
4. shpx-n-qhpx
5. V tbg gur fybccl fuvgf
6. gvtug cnagf jrnevat zbaxrlsvatrerq pbecfrshpxre
7. qvegl onyyf fhpxvat wrexbss
8. fcbbtr-jenatyre
9. cvff ba lbhefrys, nffgbnq
10. hShpx

Famous Last Lines To Movies Yet To Be Written

01. “Grab the hammer and the turkey baster. We’re going to Vegas.”

02. “Reginald, this is your chewing gum talking. Now listen very carefully…”

03. “We are the invasive species!”

04. “Ummmmmmmm… Infinity?”

05. “Mr. Johnson is dead and would like a word with you.”

06. “If you ever need any spare body parts, you know where to find me.”

07. “Oh, fistyloofing crumbcakes!”

08. “She was my giraffe and she always will be.”

09. “Everybody do the shimmy!”

10. “That’s the end of that. Or is it?”



Chances are you haven’t seen my post from exactly one year ago today about ringdinging.

For this post, the relevant definition to this made-up word is the following:

Pronunciation: \ˈriŋ-diŋ-iŋ\
Function: noun
2: — The act of promoting one’s self through the introduction of some lazy conceit, or a feeble twist on a preexisting novel concept.

With that in mind, I present to you a new word I made up: monkeyfingered.

Being monkeyfingered is very similar to being rickrolled, except instead of this you get this.

I think the act of being rickrolled is funnier than being monkeyfingered, but I think “monkeyfingered” as a word is superior to “rickrolled”.

To ensure your victim’s surprise, use this URL, which will present them with a friendly monkeyfinger without giving away the joke in the actual web address text:

You’re welcome!

Misheard Lyrics, Vol 5

This installment of Misheard Lyrics belongs to my five year old daughter.

We were playing R.E.M.’s album Document this morning. My daughter really likes the song “Exhuming McCarthy”.

As we were riding in the car later, she started singing it out of the blue.

R.E.M. – “Exhuming McCarthy”
Actual Lyrics
Exhuming McCarthy
Exhuming McCarthy

What She Sings
Exhuming my car key
Exhuming my car key

People I Hope To Someday Meet

1) Jack Pickle
2) Cyrus Niftypants
3) Peter Wasabi Peters
4) Nancy Treaty-Tweety
5) Eleanor Wonderdrier
6) Chester Noble Balls
7) H. Livid
8) Pudgely Goober
9) Ira Antipasto
10) Harry Gut
11) Thom Thom Olgersonowicz
12) Hubley Mumps
13) Yanni Chrome
14) Alabaster Cranberry
15) Dr. Piffle
16) His Honorable Jumpsuit Algae Ring Toss
17) Sue Hug
18) Crazy Will Carburetor
19) Iris Anagram
20) Hops Sprightly