Category Archives: word fun

Hello, Russia! I Have An Automobile Of Gold!

Check out the map of this site’s visitors at the bottom.

What the? Do people in Russia not *care* about my random thoughts? Or is it that they are unaware of them?

Perhaps a greeting to them in their native language, courtesy of Altavista’s Babel Fish translator is required to get me on the map there, literally.

Hello! Rainbows are pretty! I have a gold car. You are my friend, and will increase my hit counter. Thank you.

1st English-to-Russian Translation
Здравствулте!! Радуги милы! Я имею автомобиль золота. Вы будете моим другом, и увеличите мой счетчика ударов. Вы.

Translating the Russian back to English
To zdravstvulte!! Rainbows are dear! I have an automobile of gold. You will be my friend, and you will increase my of the counter of impacts. You.

Back to Russian
К zdravstvulte!! Радуги дорог! Я имею автомобиль золота. Вы будете моим другом, и вы увеличите мое счетчика ударов. Вы.

Back To English
To zdravstvulte!! Rainbows of roads! I have an automobile of gold. You will be my friend, and you will increase my of the counter of impacts. You.

An End To Another Cicadian Rhythm

Not much going on lately in Brookfield, cicada-related at least.

The noise has settled down to what one might hear on a normal summer day. The bugs that used to be flying around are now corpses on the ground.

All in all, this emergence was (for me) unexpected, kind of gross, and pretty cool. I’m looking forward to the next one.

Oh, a side note — my post is punning on Circadian rhythms, a term I learned in a converation a while back with Bubs, in regards to how he had lost his due to working crazy hours.

Here’s some other Rhythms that haven’t entered the common lexicon as of yet.

Chicletian Rhythm – The amount of time it takes to chew a piece of Chiclets gum before it becomes stale and you have to add another piece.

Cardassian Rhythm – Some Star Trek backstory alien race mating-ritual nonsense that I presume exists, and that probably already has a series of fan websites devoted to it (but I am not willing to look for).

Serjtankian Rhythm – The amount of time elapsing between the hearing of a song by System of a Down.

Knee Crap On Equals No Parking Backwards

In my stupid driving game I just posted about, I included a few sound samples of me phonetically sounding out some street signs backwards.

Now, just because I’m reading them backwards certainly doesn’t mean that if you reverse the sound files, that they will be recognizably reciting the signage text.

Still, I was curious. I thought there was a good chance that my “Pots” sound sample played backwards would sound like “Stop”, seeing as I didn’t change the ‘o’ vowel sound or the consonants, and it was only one syllable.

Sure enough, it does sound quite a bit like “Stop”, although the ‘p’ sound ends a bit abruptly.

Click here for my reversed “Stop” re-reversed.

So, I gave a listen to the other sound files as well. For the most part, reversing the other sound samples (including No Parking) produced gibberish.

However, I was shocked to discover that my reversing of the words “No Parking” (I recited them as “Knee Crap On”) sounded quite strikingly like “No Parking”.

Click here to hear my reversing of the words “No Parking” re-reversed.

Weird, huh?

Splotchy’s Synonyms, Vol 2

More words I’ll probably never use in a normal conversation. Previous entry here.

1. abscissa
Definition: the horizontal coordinate of a point in a plane Cartesian coordinate system obtained by measuring parallel to the x-axis
Why I Won’t Use It: This word is for abscissies.
What I’ll Use Instead: Nothing! By the way, if samuraifrog says he has used this word in a normal everday conversaion, I’m going to have to cook up a new “Math Talker” award for him.

2. Scaramangian
Definition: of or relating to James Bond villain Francisco Scaramanga; devilishly ruthless; having a third nipple
Why I Won’t Use It: It’s hard to pronounce.
What I’ll Use Instead: Blofeldish

3. eponymous
Definition: of, relating to, or being an eponym
Why I Won’t Use It: Unclear what it exactly means, even after looking it up. Also, I fear if I used this word I could be mistaken for a pretentious rock critic and brutally tackled to the ground.
What I’ll Use Instead: I have no idea.

4. eponym
Definition: one for whom or which something is or is believed to be named; a name (as of a drug or a disease) based on or derived from an eponym
Why I Won’t Use It: Unclear what it exactly means, even after looking it up. WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY TALKING ABOUT?
What I’ll Use Instead: Again, I have no idea.

5. fie
Definition: an interjection used to express disgust or disapproval
Why I Won’t Use It: I don’t work at Medieval Times.
What I’ll Use Instead: Eee-yawwwsh!

6. fisticuffs
Definition: a fight with the fists
Why I Won’t Use It: I dunno, I think I would just feel a little silly.
What I’ll Use Instead: fistfight

7. ostentatious
Definition: marked by or fond of conspicuous or vainglorious and sometimes pretentious display
Why I Won’t Use It: Using this word might make me appear ostentatious
What I’ll Use Instead: “Look at that person with a stick-up-the-butt”

8. pince-nez
Definition: eyeglasses clipped to the nose by a spring
Why I Won’t Use It: Because the French don’t support Our President!
What I’ll Use Instead: If this ever comes up, I suppose I could say “freedom nose spring-clipped glasses”

9. puerile
Definition: juvenile; childish; silly
Why I Won’t Use It: Too close to putrid.
What I’ll Use Instead: juvenile, childish, silly

10. gloam
Definition: twilight
Why I Won’t Use It: I dunno, I love this word. GLOAM GLOAM GLOAM.
What I’ll Use Instead: twilight

Your Own Personal Profanity

Do you have a phrase that has at least something profane in it, that you have adopted as something near and dear to you?

A foul phrase that you carry some affection for?

Here’s mine.

In the mid-90’s, I was puttering about on a text-based virtual world called LambdaMOO with my brother.

One of the sorta cool things about this world was that individual users could construct environments — rooms, outside spaces, etc., and have them link together, which you could then travel about as if they were real physical spaces. Keep in mind that this *was* a text-based world, so really you were just reading someone’s description of a room or place, not seeing any visual representation of it.

My brother and I were wandering around, when we came to a place where its description was not in English.

I then said: “It’s in fucking French.”

This phrase has stuck with me over the years, and makes me smile on the inside when I think it after seeing something written in French.

Anyone care to share their own pet swear words or phrases?

Misheard Lyrics, Vol 2

More lyrics existing solely in my befuddled head.

Rush – “Free Will”
What I Hear/Say
I will choose a bathysphere
I will choose free will

Actual Lyrics
I will choose a path that’s clear
I will choose free will

R.E.M. – “Near Wild Heaven”
What I Hear/Say
And I don’t know how much longer I can take it
Just give me a board I’ll break it

Actual Lyrics
And I don’t know how much longer I can take it
House made of heart break it

See Volume 1 here.

Words I’ll Probably Never Use In Conversation

1. hubris
Definition: exaggerated pride or self-confidence
Why I Won’t Use It: Chronically uncertain of the pronunciation.
What I’ll Say Instead: “balls”

2. lugubrious
Definition: exaggeratedly or affectedly mournful
Why I Won’t Use It: Can never remember what the hell it means; it’s too hard to say.
What I’ll Say Instead: “overly bummed out”

3. parsimonious
Definition: frugal to the point of stinginess
Why I Won’t Use It: What’s the definition again? I forgot.
What I’ll Say Instead: “stingy”

4. hoary
Definition: ancient; extremely old
Why I Won’t Use It: Fear people will think I am saying “whore-y”
What I’ll Say Instead: “really old”

5. bilious
Definition: of or relating to bile, of or indicative of a peevish ill-natured disposition, sickeningly unpleasant
Why I Won’t Use It: I can’t stop thinking it is a pretty word used to describe clouds.
What I’ll Say Instead: “icky”

6. surreptitious
Definition: done, made, or acquired by stealth
Why I Won’t Use It: Too many syllables.
What I’ll Say Instead: “sneaky”

7. pugnacious
Definition: having a quarrelsome or combative nature
Why I Won’t Use It: No real reason.
What I’ll Say Instead: “always looking for a goddamn fight”

8. perspicacious
Definition: of acute mental vision or discernment
Why I Won’t Use It: That’s what it means? Really? And how many syllables? Four? Are you serious?
What I’ll Say Instead: “totally on the ball”

9. chicanery
Definition: deception by artful subterfuge or sophistry
Why I Won’t Use It: Who am I, some muckracking author from the 30’s?
What I’ll Say Instead: “a ripoff”

10. dilettante
Definition: an admirer or lover of the arts, a person having a superficial interest in an art or a branch of knowledge
Why I Won’t Use It: Too close to debutante
What I’ll Say Instead: “arty art person”

More Stiglets

Hi, more Stiglets for your reading pleasure.

I’m not supplying audio for these, but I think you get the drift.

douchebag – doochbag
Thank you, previous user of my IP address!

vitiligo – winnebago
“archipelago” is also an acceptable alternative. A friend of my wife has this. I could never remember what it was called, so I just started saying “winnebago”.

Dilaudid – dubadill
Someone I know was in the hospital on this medication. I actually was calling this “dubadill” seriously — I had a mental block preventing me from using the right word. But, hey, it’s a stupid pharmaceutical name, why the hell should I be able to remember it?