Sure, Twitter is fine and all.
Those who want to read my stray thoughts are welcome to “follow me” there or peruse my Twitter block on the right sidebar of this blog.
So, the blogs cover my general musings, and the Twittering covers the gaps between blog posts, but what, my friends, fills the gap between my Twitter tweets?
Well, I’ll tell you.
I am currently devising a dynamically-growing database of status codes by which I can inform visitors of this blog of my current state. This database will be available not only for me, but will be shared with the blogging community.
Sure, some social networking sites have dabbled in “Moods”, foisting unpleasant emoticons on website visitors.
My system will instead use a terse, four-digit status code which will correspond to a particular physical/emotional/spiritual state.
I encourage other bloggers to suggest new codes and new blogger states. After being vetted by me, you may find your own suggestions incorporated into the definitive Blogger State Repository (BSR)!
The BSR is not fully operational at this time, but I can give you a taste of what is to come.
Here are a few sample codes to describe Blogger State.
PNTS – Wearing pants
NPNT – Not wearing pants
DRNK – Drunk
NBSH – Angry about something George W. Bush did or said
NPOL – Angry about about something else political
HRNY – Experiencing a heightened sense of libido
WKYS – Can’t find keys
FRFD – Ate too much fried food
GMNG – Playing videogames
WRKG – Working
LZYB – Too lazy to update my state all the time. C’mon, I have a *life*
The following statuses from Falwless have been approved for use.
CSPT – Constipated.
NJAL – In jail.
INFO – Watching infomercial.
WTGG – Watching The Golden Girls.
LNCH – On Lunch Break.
HGRY – Hungry.
THST – Thirsty.
DEAD – Deceased.
SXPR – Having sex with prostitute.
HFMA – Having fun making BSR Acronyms.
Some more approved additions, from Cowboy the Cat:
SGCC – Thinking about Space Ghost Coast to Coast
CAFD – Caffeinated
NCAF – Needing Caffeination
REKA – Excited about a new discovery