My mind is starved while my dreams are fed
And spiders play games at the foot of my bed
The Forbidden Kingdom: $3.50 Admission, Food And Beverage Not Included
I decided I’d head out to the LaGrange on this cool yet ridiculously humid night to see a movie.
What were my choices?
Forgetting Sarah Marshall – That’s okay, I don’t know her to begin with.
Shine A Light – A documentary on the Rolling Stones by Martin Scorsese. I have a strict rule. I only watch documentaries on the Stones where-
- Someone is stabbed by the Hell’s Angels
- The Stones sue to prevent its release because they are embarrassed by their behavior
- They are upstaged by the Who.
Sorry, Marty!
21 – I think I first saw the trailer for this back in early 1992. After the forty-seventh time of seeing the trailer I got so excited about the hijinx of Kevin Spacey and his merry band of MIT pranksters, but then when I saw it thirteen more times my interest finally waned.
The Forbidden Kingdom – Let’s go!
For the record, I have no idea what the hell that big scary face is supposed to represent.
Okay, first, some setup.
I don’t have any bills on me, so I stuff a handful of quarters into my pocket and hop in the car. I drive into LaGrange and am surprised to see a carnival setup in the downtown area. Carnivals make me happy. I like all the pretty lights, what can I say?
I mosey up to the theater and see the price is $3.50. I think, “Did they raise the price?” I had thought the new price was $2.50 — I knew the price had gone up, I just remembered wrong. I didn’t have enough quarters with me. I feebly asked the guy in the ticket booth if I could charge the ticket (I couldn’t!). I then sprinted up to an ATM, got some cash and managed to still get back in time before the film started.
Were you worried just then? That was not just dramatic license on my part. That whole series of events actually happened.
Anyways… The Forbidden Kingdom. I knew very little about this. As the credits start rolling, I see the Action Choreographer is Woo-ping Yuen. Woo-ping Yuen has choreographed a lot of Hollywood movies (Crouching Tiger, the Matrix trilogy, etc.). Even if Forbidden Kingdom turned out to be rather chokey, I had some confidence that there would be some nicely-done fight scenes.
Incidentally, Woo-ping Yuen is also an excellent director – he has directed one of my all-time favorite action movies, Wing Chun. He’s got plenty of other good ones as well — Drunken Master, Twin Warriors, etc.
So Jackie Chan and Jet Li are the big names in this movie. From what I can tell, they haven’t really worked together before, so I’m assuming this was a coup to someone somewhere. I was interested in seeing how the goofiness of Chan would mesh with the more matter-of-fact style of Li. At about the middle of the film, there’s a nice, extended fight scene between the two. I thought to myself, “It’s all downhill from here.” And I was right!
Chan and Li each play two roles in the film. Chan is an old geezer who runs a pawn shop in the present day, and also plays a drunken kung fu master in Ye Olden China. I appreciated the nod to his Drunken Master films.
Li plays a monk, as well as the Monkey King, an immortal being who lost his staff, which must be returned to him. Li had some pretty styling hair as the Monkey King, making him look like a primped-up Captain Kangaroo.
Oh, I neglected to mention the star of this movie. Hold on. Lemme look up his name. Ahhh. Michael Angarano. He plays a kung-fu movie-obsessed dweeb in the present day who finds a staff in a pawn shop, is told he needs to return the staff to its rightful owner, then falls off a building into ancient China.
When he gets to China, Chan and Li accompany him on his trip to get the staff back to the Monkey King, and improbably teach him how to fight along the way.
There’s a little problem. The actor looks like a young Sean Astin (y’know, Rudy). The audience is meant to identify with him. As the group nears their destination, his character starts sporting a little ponytail.
Think about it. Sean Astin with a little ponytail. Rudy with a little ponytail. Samwise Gamgee with a ponytail. This is who I am supposed to identify with?
Fuck the Monkey King and his staff, I don’t want any part of this stupid adventure.
Story Virus 1 and 2: A Brief Comparison
A comment by DGuzman inspired me to a create a simple graphical representation of the spread of the two story virii.
The first virus was far more heartier than the second one. There’s a lot of possible reasons for this — May seems to be a traditionally light blogging month, there’s nice weather outside, the second time around the idea of a story virus is not a novel concept, etc.
I think I might do this again at the end of the year, assuming people’s creative juices have had a chance to replenish.
It’s been a lot of fun. I may have to kidnap a little pig to get friend of the blog McGone to participate if I have another go-around, though thanks to Susan there were still some nice original illustrations for the second virus.
Virus 1
Virus 2
Remembering The Infected v2
From what I can tell, the second eruption of the story virus has been contained.
This post serves as a solemn marker for those stricken with it.
Different people have remarked about the virus as being an example of exquisite corpse, but the fact that the virus can shoot into multiple directions and threads at once makes me want to call it the exquisite exploding corpse.
Anyways, I thank everyone for being a part of this. If you don’t see your contribution included, just let me know and I’ll add it.
Here’s to the infected of the Story Virus (v2) — may your memory live on!
May 14, 2008
May 15, 2008
Freida Bee
Dean Wormer
Randal G
May 16, 2008
Germaine Gregarious
May 17, 2008
Cowboy The Cat
Randal G
Freida Bee
Commander Other
Don Snabulus
Quin Browne
Lonie Polony
Bug O’ Death
May 18, 2008
Freida Bee
May 19, 2008
Katie Schwartz
May 20, 2008
The Imaginary Reviewer
May 21, 2008
The Moody Minstrel
May 22, 2008
Becca (another infection in the same day!)
Herbal Amanda
May 23, 2008
Captain Incredible
May 25, 2008
The Imaginary Reviewer
May 26, 2008
May 27, 2008
Dark Neuro
Full DPK Interview Up!
The Drunken Severed Head’s full interview with my adopted actor has been posted!
My previously posted interview bits ‘n bobs:
Excerpt 1
Excerpt 2
Excerpt 3
Excerpt 4
Thanks again to Max for conducting the original interview, giving me the opportunity to post some choice pieces of it, and allowing the rest of us to be privy to his conversation with Mr. Kelly.
Yay for the Internets!
A Field Of Textual Grain
Is There Hope For The Future?
This song has been rattling around in my head this morning.
The Byrds – The Bells of Rhymney
Revisiting The Location On Spaulding Avenue
I had the day off today, so spent a little time at one of the locations I liked on a previous location scouting session. I had seen it at night, but hadn’t yet seen it in the daytime on a weekday.
It was largely deserted, except for some cars parked down at Mike’s Anodizing at the northern end of the block.
I dunno. It could work, but my search might not be over yet. It’s not that bad for a deserted industrial area, which is what I’m looking for.
What do ya think?
iSplotchy Campaign Materials For Immediate Release
Online supporters of the iSplotchy, please be advised of a change in direction for marketing the candidate.
These materials were forwarded to campaign headquarters by Citizens for iSplotchy.
Please find the following attached:
Mailer (Concentrate on the “embittered” American demographic)
New Logo (slap this on anything with a flat surface)
Candidate is also planning on physically attacking several of the other presidential candidates in the near future, so rev up the spin machine to put a happy face on it.
The GO AWAY Bush Hit Counter
I saw a couple people’s posts on Memorial Day, and I was thinking about doing my own.
The thing was, the more I wandered around the Internets, the less solemn I got. I just got more angry with each little article I read. I watched a Keith Olbermann editorial (talking about Bush’s disastrous interview with Politico).
After some more articles, I didn’t want to be reflective. I was pissed, plain and simple.
So, I posted nothing.
Today, I came up with a stupid little idea, but one which made me feel better. I know a lot of people have countdown timers on their blog, marking the time before Bush leaves office.
That’s fine and all, but something too passive for how I am feeling. I wanted to tell Bush to go away — go away RIGHT NOW.
So I made a little webpage:
It’s a simple page, with a very simple idea. Each unique visit to the page increments a counter. The counter represents the number of times Bush has been told to “GO AWAY”.
A person can have any number of reasons to visit the page. Perhaps it’s the high cost of gasoline. Maybe it’s someone still reeling from the effects of Hurricane Katrina. Maybe a mother or father lost a child in Iraq, fighting in a war this president started. Maybe a mother or father lost a child when a bomb hit their village, or when a Blackwater soldier gunned them down. Maybe it’s because Bush can’t pronounce the word “nuclear”.
Whatever the reason, you can tell Bush to GO AWAY now. It’s okay. Go ahead. And you can tell him again, and again, and again, until he really does go away.
It’s my gift to you.