A Stereolab Colonic

minijonb remarked that I had put the chorus of Warrant’s “Cherry Pie” in his head, possibly for 48 hours.

Hey, I’m no supporter of cruel and unusual punishment.

Grab some Stereolab and hold on tight!

Stereolab – Wow and Flutter

Stereolab – Ping Pong

Stereolab – John Cage Bubblegum

The Cherry Pie Guy

So, MizSplotchy and I are flipping channels a month or so ago, ’cause there’s nothing on the TV.

We come across a VH1 documentary series on heavy metal, Heavy: The Story Of Metal — the chapter we saw was focusing a lot on the hair metal bands of the 80’s.

We didn’t know what we had lucked into. There was a rant by Warrant’s lead singer Jani Lane about the misery rained down on him from writing the song “Cherry Pie”, which was one of the funniest things I have seen in recent memory.

MizSplotchy was wandering the Internets today and found the Jani Lane clip from the show, so I can now present it to you in all its glory.

Jani Lane – The Cherry Pie Guy

Increasing Traffic To My Sister Blog

I would like to increase traffic to my sister blog, but how?

Perhaps what I need is a name change.

Old name: The Signage Of Negative Space

Possible new names:

1) The Boobage Of Negative Space
2) Signs Of The Apocalypse
3) M. Night Shyamalan’s Negative Space Signage
4) Free Money and Signage
5) Free Ringtones and Signage
6) Halo-Lit Frolicking
7) A Signage Blog That Does Not Give You Cancer
8) Signs-a-plenty
9) Oops! Celebrity Signage
10) Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere’s Signage!

Please Send Positive Thoughts To McAwesome

McAwesome has been doing just fine and dandy since I last reported on her, thank you very much for asking.

Per her various Gmail status messages, she’s had a hangover after a fun night of drinking, she’s been excited about an upcoming movie, she’s even been working on a script (“Can you believe it?!!” her status rhetorically asked).

So, you can imagine my surprise when I witnessed a stark status message today.

Looking on the bright side, at least her status doesn’t say “has incurable, explosive tropical brain fever”.

In Case You Didn’t Think I Was Serious About Signage

If nearing 200 documented instances of negative space signage wasn’t enough to convince you…

If haranguing anyone within blogshot to assist me in documenting negative space signage wasn’t enough to convince you…

If continuing to pursue a topic (negative space signage) that holds aesthetic pleasure for virtually no sentient creatures besides myself wasn’t enough to convince you…

I have published an interview with Lawrin Rosen, an expert in the field of halo-lit lighting (negative space signage).

Enjoy it (or don’t)!

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