Head Mosaic

I’ve been taking pictures of the backs of people’s heads on my daily commute between the suburbs and the city (to and back!) for a little over a month. I run the pics through a simple filter and post the resulting images to Twitter.

Why do I do this? Well, one day I happened to notice the crazy, heaped-up hair of the woman sitting in front of me, took a picture of it, then just kinda fell into taking these kinds of pictures on a regular basis.

I suppose you could argue that taking these pictures could be considered an invasion of privacy, but I feel like the anonymity of the person counteracts the fact that I am taking their picture. Well, I hope it does, at least. I haven’t known any of the people in these pictures, and I hope no one takes offense.

I have found that I like picking out a particular characteristic in the world around me, then focus on the characteristic and highlight it (e.g. negative space signage, sidewalk liquor). I don’t necessarily doggedly pursue these things that I notice, but I do focus some attention on them.

So, for now, backs of heads it is, then.


Click for bigger.

Short Story Idea #4

A woman works for a spamming company, which looks for old defunct blogs and websites and misappropriates them. Her job is to update the websites, placing ads for products and services, malware, etc.

The woman is tracked down and contacted by a stranger who previously owned one of the old websites. The stranger believes that the spirit of his dead wife is the source of the website updates and writes a series of agonizing, heartfelt notes to the woman.

jung vf fcybgpul?