A Possible Wren
Solitary Sandpiper
Gray Catbird
Good Forenoon, Everyone
Have you been searching the Internet these past years for a “forenoon” reference, only to be disappointed time after time by the use of the word “morning”?
Hurry over to today’s weather forecast at Chicago Weather Center then, and tell ’em Splotchy sent ya!
I was futzing around on the piano right before putting the kids to bed. I came up with a simple piano part. I liked it enough that I worked on it tonight and eventually fleshed it out into a song. From my brain to an MP3 in a few hours time!
I had a 4-track many moons ago (okay, I still have it) and I was so intimidated by it. I was so intimidated by recording music. I felt like I didn’t have the knack for it. But it really is quite easy for me now. That’s neat. And I like it. I don’t note the passage of time — it absorbs my attention completely.
Okay, here’s the song.
–> The Argument
As always, enjoy (or don’t)!
The Weakest, Least Hopeful Baseball Advertising In Recent Memory
The One Bright Spot In My Workday
Hey, I had another Saturday night with nothing to do, nowhere to go. Jesus, that sounds depressing. I almost don’t want to continue this blog post. Okay, I’m pressing on.
I made a new song.
I’ve had such hangups writing and recording music in the past. I have always sought other people to play with prior to writing any music. If I don’t have any bandmates, it’s really easy to not write. REALLY easy.
I have a motivation to write music now, in that I have agreed to record like a kazillion songs (or musical snippets) for a short film of a friend of mine, and he keeps on asking me about my progress.
I still think that writing and recording with other people is the ideal situation (magic can happen, sincerely), but I have not been in a band in a long time, and I don’t know how I would easily go about finding/joining one, mostly due to my busy schedule as a dad.
I had fun doing this one. Again, I have no idea if it’s good. I guess I think it’s good enough to share with you.
As always, enjoy (or don’t)!