I’m Back
Taking a break
Hi, I am taking a break.
I am going through a lot of stuff lately. I have been hurt, I have hurt others. Neither one of those facts is nice to contemplate, but I have been thinking constantly about them.
I feel like a compromised person, whatever that means.
I’m doing my best to take care of myself, my family, etc. I’m really trying.
I don’t know how long I’ll be away. Probably long enough that this post won’t seem silly in retrospect (so, not tomorrow).
Anyways, as you can tell, my blog has been sputtering along for quite some time.
Okay. I love you very much. Someday we can all be happy. That’s coming, right?
Unconnected Tuesdays
Unconnected Tuesdays
I Created A Tumblr Page
Might be fun to use, might be dormant.
Unconnected Tuesdays
Dying On The Vine
I have lots of ideas, and lots of these ideas revolve around getting others involved, getting others to participate.
Something in my makeup compels me to try and get other people to play along with me. I have been lovingly called an “attention whore”, and perhaps that’s correct.
I don’t really talk a lot about anyone but myself here. I guess the main purpose of this and my other blogs is to show how incredibly awesome I am.
So, there’s that, but I really do like doing stuff with other people. I like bringing people together.
It’s sad when I have ideas and they just sort of languish, fizzle.
My Who’s In Charge Here? blog is sputtering out, ever so slowly. I still think it’s a wonderful idea. I wish it could maintain its own steam.
I certainly could take blame for its slow death. I could think of ways for it to be more participatory, or express my appreciation for the people that have been voting week after week. But, I haven’t.
I’m lazy, maybe? I don’t know.
I hate having ideas that I like, and they don’t resonate with anyone, or don’t continue resonating.
Ah well.
I’m not asking you to vote on WICH. It’s not something I want you to do. I want people to want to do it.
Unconnected Tuesdays
Happy Valentine’s Day!
My divorce lawyer called me yesterday and asked how things were going.
T__ and I have met with both a child specialist and a financial specialist. The child specialist is tasked with helping us figure out the best arrangement for the kids, maybe give us some advice as to how to help them cope with the divorce, etc. The financial specialist is helping us with our budget, determining who pays who for child support and how much, all that business.
T__ and I are both happy with the two specialists. We’re getting along fine still. The divorce will hopefully continue to go smoothly, and we will hopefully remain friends and be able to raise the kids in a warm and loving environment.
I’m in a pretty good mood these days, actually.
Anyways, after a few minutes, the conversation is coming to a close. The last thing the lawyer says to me before she hangs up is “Happy Valentine’s Day!”
Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!