Santigold – L.E.S. Artistes
You Know Things Are Bad When I Miss An Unconnected Tuesday
Hi folks,
It’s been pretty crazy goings-on at the Splotchy house.
We’ve been getting ready for the sump pumpening of our basement, and we’re taking a family vacation tomorrow that we have just started to prepare for, and that’s just half the stuff I can tell you about.
So, this blog will be a little light for the remainder of this week.
However, fear not — I have an idea to keep you entertained here in my absence. Check back later today.
1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 x 8 x 9 x 10 = 3,628,800
Road Warrior, The Musical – Just Walk Away
Another entry in my new musical — The Road Warrior.
“Just Walk Away”
Sung by: Humungus
Description: Humungus gives the villagers a chance to turn over the oil-producing outpost.
Humungus rules the Wasteland
This barren Valley of Death
You can try to convince me otherwise
But you’d be wasting your breath
Listen to these words
Or lose all that you have left
Just walk away
Just walk away
We’ve come to make a deal
We’re done with playing games
Give us all your gasoline
Or see it up in flames
After we have finished
You’ll never be the same
Just walk away
Just walk away
This is your last chance
Tomorrow we attack
Think on this tonight
When you stare up into the black
You can leave here unharmed
With the clothes on your back
Just walk away
Just walk away
(h/t to Tim for the idea of this song, posted as a comment on the first RW the Musical post)
I think I saw the first FAIL pictures very soon after they started popping up on the web (a year ago? a year and a half?).
I thought the first ones I saw were sort of funny, but then these kinds of pictures started appearing everywhere.
Next, a few sites sprung up, devoted to all things FAIL.
I really started disliking the whole business, because:
1) Most of the time, it wasn’t funny.
2) It was often mean-spirited.
3) I’m tired of people lazily shitting on other people/things for a cheap laugh.
4) I’m tired of people lazily shitting on other people/things in general.
It’s okay to make light of others on occasion, etc. (hey, it must be okay if *I* do it!), but for something to have sneering at anything and everything else as its sole purpose — well, it’s just too much for me to take.
For this, FAIL meme, you fail.