Where In The World Is Jess Wundrun?
Only she can truly appreciate this headline:
Burris’ Continuing Struggle to Remove Blagojevich’s ‘Taint’
If you dare, revisit the historic taint wars between Jess and I here and here.
Thanks to Bubs for the Taint Tip!
Q: How Do You Make Morrissey Uncomfortable?
For No Real Obvious Reason, A Picture Of Niagara Falls From 1911
Happily stolen from here
Unconnected Tuesdays
New Green Monkey Mix – ROYGBIV
It’s time for another Green Monkey mix – ROYGBIV. This one is going to be centered around colors. I had originally wanted to call the mix “Colours”, but that would garner me crap from all you Americanskis. And “Colors” would of course offend everyone else.
Anywho, the rules:
1. 8 participants — including me, so that’s seven open slots.
2. Each person gets up to seven songs. If you have a problem coming up with seven, that’s fine, but you have to provide at least five.
3. The song title of each of your selections has to contain a color.
4. You can’t duplicate color names in your selections. If I pick a song with “red” and you pick a song with “red”, that’s fine, just don’t pick two of your own songs that have the word “red” in it.
Sign up for the mix by leaving a comment.
Allen L.
All slots are taken! Participants, if you haven’t already done so, please leave your selections for the mix as a comment on this post.
Face Chart
Saw an interesting graphic on a BoingBoing post, itself linking to a New Scientist article discussing how facial traits can cause an observer to infer personality characteristics about a person.
Of course, I had to muck with the labels on the X and Y axes of the graphic. Enjoy!