Health Report, Week Something-Or-Other

Okay, here is one of the things that has been occupying my time.

I have been working out a few times a week at our local YMCA.
I have been doing this for a few months.

I started on a recumbent exercise bike. Why a recumbent bike? Don’t I look like a tool riding a recumbent exercise bike? Yes, of course I do. I did try riding a normal exercise bike, but I was left with a strange vibrating sensation in my naughty bits that I do not care to repeat.

I have also been using the elliptical machine. While exercising, I have been listening to high energy rock ‘n roll, only dimly aware of how ridiculous a 38 year old man singing along to the Kaiser Chiefs while pseudo-running on an oversized machine truly looks.

This past week I have started working on my arms on various weight machines.

Next Monday I meet with a “fitness coach”. I am doing this mostly so I can get an account on the various weight machines, so I can track my progress.

At a doctor’s appointment last year, if I remember correctly, I think I weighed 245 pounds. When I weighed myself this past Sunday I was down to 217 pounds. I have lost my love handles and most of my gut. Unfortunately, my pants are very loose, and I think there is a 65% probability they will spontaneously drop to my feet in the near future.

I feel good exercising, and it’s nice to get away from the computer. I know many people feel the need to exercise after the holidays. The Y is freakin’ crowded lately.

I made a New Year’s Resolution to stop drinking soda. Dedicated readers of this blog might remember the exciting post where I previously made the pledge to stop drinking the stuff, but after a few months I started up again (I didn’t post to document my fall off the wagon). Anyways, I’m trying again. It’s a lot easier this time around.

I don’t post a lot about the mundane aspects of my life, but I figured what the hell.

I feel healthier and I feel good about it.

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