The GO AWAY Bush Hit Counter

Hi, welcome to the GO AWAY Bush Hit Counter!

This site does not advocate any harm to be done to George Walker Bush, the 43rd President of the United States. We simply want him to go away.

We don't want to hear his excuses.
We don't want to hear his mangling of the English language.
We don't want to hear his sabre-rattling.
We don't want to hear about his legacy.
We don't want to hear about how history will judge him.

We just want him to go away.

So how do *you* tell him to go away? By hitting this page, you have incremented the GO AWAY Bush Hit Counter. You just told him! Let's face it -- the chances of Bush and Cheney getting impeached are slim to nil. Regardless of this sad fact, whether you're an American citizen or not, you can still register your displeasure with the President by visiting this page.

Note: The counter will only increment for the same user after an hour has elapsed from the last time he/she told Bush to GO AWAY.

But please don't let that discourage you! Visit early, visit often!

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