Category Archives: politics

Wow, Do I Fucking Hate Celebrities

What’s more annoying than some overpaid famous people telling us plebs what to do?

Telling us what to do by telling us what not to do.

I just might not vote because of this piece of shit.

Fucking celebrities. Fuck them.

Okay, so I watched the rest of the video. There is a twist, where the celebrities then cajole you, the viewer, into voting.

But I stand by my original statement. Fuck celebrities.

An Incitement To Negative Graffiti

Last week, my mom sent me this nice little article from the LA Times about pro-Obama street-art. She had sent it to me because she was wondering if some graffiti in Chicago referred to in passing was the same graffiti I had blogged about last November (I think it was).

This article got me thinking about the cumulative effect of pro-Obama graffiti. Personally, I think it’s really positive, but I don’t know if it’s enough. I think that anti-McCain graffiti might be a necessary step for graffiti artists who hope to see Obama win the 2008 Presidency.

I don’t really discuss my political leanings too much (well, apart from that Go Away, Bush thingie on my right sidebar), but I do not want John McCain to win.

I feel kinda weird about writing a post that attempts to inspire others to attack another person. Well, I’m not so much asking people to attack McCain, but discuss his policies, and why he would be a terrible President. Still, maybe I shouldn’t? Am I just being a wishy-washy liberal (yeah, probably)? I just wanted to say that in this incitement for negative graffiti, I *have* thought about it, and after thinking about it I still think negative graffiti is required to defeat John McCain, and that its use is appropriate.

Earlier this year, I found a post on Bold Lentil, following a linkback from my Obama post.

The author had created a John McCain stencil as a tool for any interested parties in spreading McCain “fever”, and said people were free to reuse, change the text, etc. He was essentially doing what I’m trying to do now, but wasn’t being emphatic about it.

Okay. This is the emphatic part.

Graffiti artists. Street artists. People who just like slapping stickers on shit in public spaces. LISTEN TO ME. YOU NEED TO GET GOING. YOU NEED TO TELL PEOPLE ABOUT JOHN MCCAIN. For every pro-Obama sticker you put up, put up an anti-McCain sticker. Get it?

Regarding the stencil above, I personally don’t think the “BEAT IRAQ” message would be terribly effective. I’m thinking “PRO-WAR” — “PRO-RICH” — feel free to add your own succinct slogan in the comments.

As I was walking to work from the train today, I saw a somber, black oval sticker on a NO TURN ON RED sign. It had small white letters that read “John McCain ’08”. Any doubt I had about this incitement to negative graffiti immediately evaporated.

So what are you waiting for? GET GOING.

More Critics Of Bush Just Want Him To Go Away

Some snarky people in San Francisco are attempting to name a sewage treatment plant in (dis)honor of George W. Bush.

They have encountered some unexpected resistance, however:

“What we didn’t expect was that most of the opposition was coming from people who didn’t want to name anything. They just wanted to forget about the past eight years and move on”

Via ThinkProgress

Oh, you can still tell Bush to go away yourself.

Hey, Hey, We Reached A Benchmark

I just noticed that we cracked a 1,000 hits on the GO AWAY Bush Hit Counter!

Maybe before he leaves office we’ll pass up the number of US military deaths incurred during the Iraqi War!

Maybe then we’ll pass up the number of Iraqis killed during the Iraqi War!

Maybe then we’ll pass up the number of dollars spent on the Iraqi War!

Maybe somehow all the pain and misery shat upon this world by the current administration will be magically wiped clean by incrementing the hit counter!

That would be nice.

A Leftover Graphic From An Aborted Political Post

I was going to write a post about the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) and the oil industry’s desire to drill there.

The gist of the post was that they and the politicians who speak on their behalf are a bunch of greedy bastards using lies to get what they want. Then I decided not to write the post.

Um, okay, well I’ll talk to ya later .